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Presenting De-Dollarization In One Simple Map
10 years ago

Ah those Europeans. Folks you can reallly count on.

In this article: CNY, UUP, UDN
The Stock Market In 2015 Is Starting To Look Remarkably Similar To The Stock Market In 2008
10 years ago

April Fools to you too as the market rips once again toward new highs. Next.

In this article: VXX
Is India The Next China?
10 years ago

Great article. China miracle cliches are growing tiresome as people continue to ignore the massive economic, political, environmental and demographic dislocations they must confront to maintain healthy growth. India, as messy as capitalist democracy can be at times, is the tortoise that will win the race.

In this article: MINDX, INCO
If You Listen Carefully, The Bankers Are Actually Telling Us What Is Going To Happen Next
10 years ago

Great article, but remember that low oil prices may be bad for oil barons and jobs tied to the industry, but good for most people and businesses. Also, the "financial crises" are largely manipulated dramas directed by the corporatocracy -- much like the dreaded "war on terror" that "justifies" the transfer of $trillions to the war machine. As the financial crisis hits, $trillions more will be transferred to the banks and insurance companies as the global central banks ride in on their white horses to save the day. Life will go on, the economy will recover, and the rich will get richer and the meek shall inherit the earth.

How (& Why) The Dow Just Closed Barely Green For The Year
10 years ago

Yes, markets are manipulated and controlled by the Fed, and the intelligence service's "Committee for Oversight of Financial Markets for the Protection of National Security", or COFMPNS.

In this article: DIA
The Idiot's Guide To High Frequency Trading
10 years ago

Nice to see that Mark has a basic grasp of the issue.

Now on to the important point. Because America is rapidly becoming a fascist police state due to citizens who are too self-centered, cowardly, ignorant and complacent, what are we going to do about it?

Bitching on websites, social sharing and "likes" isn't goint to get the job done. Direct political organization and action is required. Anything less is futile gesture and posturing.

Mark, you have money. If you really care about this issue, organize a group, lobby the appropriate people and do something about it.

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