TalkMarkets Comments | #Trump - Page 15


VIX Has Been Making Higher Lows
Tim Ord 3/1/2017 2:25:23 PM

Thank you for the thoughts, So far market thinks #Trump is doing fine.

VIX Has Been Making Higher Lows
Moon Kil Woong 3/1/2017 4:07:13 AM

Interesting and good analysis. Given the word is #Trump is trying to Democrat the Republicans into mass deficit spending the hopeful market will dream of fiscal stimulus on top of the absurd financial stimulus. So much for Trump deriding the Obama bubble. It seems like he wants to make an even greater one.

Is The Trump Economic Agenda Falling Apart Before It Even Gets Underway?
Norman Mogil 2/28/2017 5:34:47 PM

Humble is a word that is not in #Trump's vocabulary.

The more dysfunctional the Congress and Trump become, the more likely we will bounce around zero growth. The incoming data, so far, shows nothing to support the level of euphoria.

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Don't Lie To Yourself
Moon Kil Woong 2/22/2017 1:26:57 AM

I agree with you that the market is assuming a lot of promises that may never come and probably won't come without a cost. However, the market has been assuming lies for years before as well. How long has the market been expecting robust growth to resume, low interest rates to grow the market, high housing prices to excite massive home building. We got a asset bubble and that's about all.

Sadly #Trump eluded to asset bubbles, Federal Reserve games, and fake employment before he was elected and now that he is elected seems to have co-opted all this. Inevitably, it will blow up unless fed in even greater amounts. We will see if he will continue the bubble with taxpayers money and Fed games or will let it end. In reality, it is best to let it end quickly so you will come out of the dip before 4 years and a new election rolls around.

Sadly, the market and most people assume he will be just like all other politicians. Let the bubble keep growing and hopefully it will blow up on the next President. For shame, its the American people and the kids who suffer this type of political behavior.

How The "Currency Cold War" Between The US And China Could Heat Up
Alexis Renault 2/17/2017 12:57:30 AM

Can #Trump unilaterally enact a #tariff on his own?

How The "Currency Cold War" Between The US And China Could Heat Up
Bill Johnson 2/17/2017 12:55:58 AM

Very well done. You've summed up a complex issue rather well. I believe #Trump wouldn't think twice about direct protectionism. He seems to have no qualms about instituting punitive tariffs on #China.

Association with Donald Trump Cost Uber $200 Million in 45 Days
Alexa Graham 2/16/2017 2:26:14 AM

#Trump isn't the only one being affected by the boycott movement. Numerous companies such as Burlington, Nordstrom, Sears, Kmart and others have stopped selling #Ivanka's retail products in their stores.

Michael Flynn and the 6 Big Questions
Harry Goldstein 2/14/2017 7:28:49 PM

I believe there is a few issues at hand here:

1. There's a long standing custom that there is only one President at a time. So no one should have been speaking with the Russia on behalf of what the next president would do, until #Obama's term officially came to an end. But Trump already ignored this tradition in other matters.

2. I think the bigger issue is that #Flynn not only lied to the American people but also to #Trump and #Pence. Trump isn't going to want to have someone around whom he can't trust. And Americans don't' want someone with a credibility problem in that position of power (we already have enough of that in Washington)!

How Investors Can Profit From Trump's Military Ambitions (SPONSORED POST)
Flat Broke 2/10/2017 8:54:32 PM

Thanks, if #Trump leads us into war, at least I'll personally be able to profit from it.

How Investors Can Profit From Trump's Military Ambitions (SPONSORED POST)
Alexa Graham 2/9/2017 5:05:44 PM

At least there will be one benefit to #Trump being president!

How Investors Can Profit From Trump's Military Ambitions (SPONSORED POST)
David B. Johnson 2/8/2017 7:43:40 PM

It is definitely the time to invest in companies like these. #Trump will not only boost military spending but I wouldn't be surprised if he lead us right into a war.

Trump Error, Day 7 – Waiting on the Fed
Alexa Graham 2/7/2017 3:30:09 AM

What I don't get is, #Trump wants to keep out terrorists. But terrorists can just claim they are from any country other than the 7 which were banned. It's the regular people who can't get it.

Trump Error, Day 7 – Waiting on the Fed
Gary Anderson 2/6/2017 11:19:09 PM

Actually Carlos, that is incorrect. The problem #Trump faces is that he banned Muslims from these nations but not other religions. He made it a religious test. Had he said he was going to equally vet or equally ban all people from these nations, he would not be having the problems he is having. Banning Muslims as a religion but not other religions is fusion of church and state and is unconstitutional.

Bullish Days Ahead For Military Companies?
Cynthia Decker 2/6/2017 9:47:33 PM

With #Trump in office, war is likely inevitable (with ISIS, with Russia, with China, maybe all of the above). So yes I'd say it's a good time to invest in military companies.

50% Correction Is Impossible! Really?
Gary Anderson 2/6/2017 2:41:37 PM

My concern is that if this stock market crash does happen, #Trump will look around for a way out. #Bannon's way out is war, in the Middle East and against China, maybe both at the same time. Demagogues always look at war as a means of expanding the money supply. If Trump takes that advice it could mean trouble.

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