TalkMarkets Comments | #CryptoCurrencies - Page 1


Apollo Currency Review: The All-In-One Cryptocurrency
Currency Trader 5/1/2020 3:20:25 PM

Interesting, but even I'm starting to lose track of how many thousands of new #cryptocurrencies there are!

Bitcoin Can Be Bullish And Become THE Contrarian Play Of 2020
Alexa Graham 1/5/2020 6:43:45 PM

Do you think other, more affordable #cryptocurrencies will follow suit? Or is this specifically for #bitcoin only?

Stem Holdings: Getting In On Marijuana's Ground Floor
Donald Kaplan 12/31/2018 10:39:11 PM

Good article. The lack of regulation has turned me off from #cryptocurrencies as well. I too think #cannabis investing will be the next hot trend. But unlike the uncertainty surrounding cryptos, it is far more likely to pay off. I will take a closer look at $STMH.

Pincoin: A $660m ICO Scam That Deceived 32,000 People
Michele Grant 10/9/2018 4:26:51 PM

The lack of regulation for #cryptocurrencies and #ICOs make the risk for scams like this very high! I'm surprised more people weren't affected.

Cryptocurrency History & Origin – Timeline Infographic
Alexis Renault 7/12/2018 2:11:22 PM

With so many #cryptocurrencies to choose from... #bitcoin #etherium #litecoin #dash #ripple #monero and more. How do you choose which one is the best to invest in?


Why Is Cryptocurrency Associated With Criminal Activity?
Currency Trader 7/9/2018 3:44:08 AM

Let's be honest... #cryptocurrencies are often associated with criminal activity because it's the criminals' preferred method of payment. Untraceable, and yes, essentially anonymous despite what it says here.

XRP Lower Despite Ripple's Announcement Of New Partnerships Across Emerging Markets
Currency Trader 2/23/2018 3:48:28 AM

Yes. No real connection. If $XRP-X crashes, it woudln't affect #Ripple in the long run. I realize with so many different #cryptocurrencies flooding the market, it can be overwhelming for many.

Cryptocurrencies Review
Alpha Stockman 2/20/2018 9:34:24 PM

Are there any #cryptocurrencies worth following other than #Bitcoin ($BITCOMP), #Ripple ($XRP-X), #Ethereum ($ETH-X) and #Litecoin ($LTC-X)?

Bitcoin Bubble Warning Follow-Up
Harry Goldstein 2/18/2018 7:11:50 PM

Was #bitcoin the first ever #cryptocurrency? How many #cryptocurrencies are there now? And what is the difference (if any) between digital currency and cryptocurrency?

An Objective Look at Bitcoin; What No One is Giving
Harry Goldstein 2/18/2018 7:11:02 PM

Was #bitcoin the first ever #cryptocurrency? How many #cryptocurrencies are there now? And what is the difference (if any) between digital currency and cryptocurrency?

No Bottom (Yet) For Bitcoin
BreakingBad News 2/6/2018 3:29:16 PM

Interesting idea to study the correlation between the two. Makes sense though. I do expect that this drop might encourage some new #Crypto investors to test the waters. Investors whom had previously thought they missed the boat might view this as a 2nd chance. I doubt #bitcoin and other #cryptocurrencies are going to go away any time soon.

Bitcoin Technical Analysis, Gold/Silver - Tuesday, Jan. 30
Bill Johnson 1/30/2018 11:23:50 PM

Ayelet, you can find all the authors he's mentioned right here on TalkMarkets. @[Peter Schiff](user:5270), @[David Morgan](user:22941) and pretty much anyone who is anyone that covers #gold, #silver and other #preciousmetals can be found in this section here:

#Bitcoin, #Litecoin, #Etherium, #Ripple and other #cryptocurrencies are all found here:


Regulation And Goverment Re Cryptocurrencies
Angry Old Lady 1/16/2018 12:42:56 PM

I've always been concerned about two thinks when it comes to #cryptocurrencies. 1. Hackers who could steal the money and 2. That the creators of these bitcoins built in some backdoor where they could steal the money. Wouldn't that be the biggest joke of all?

Bitcoin And Ethereum Buy, Sell or Hold?
Alexis Renault 1/16/2018 12:16:59 PM

I keep thinking I missed my chance to buy #cryptocurrencies, yet #Bitcoin and the rest keep going up and up. Surely this must be a bubble which is getting ready to burst, no?

Bitcoin Forecast - Wednesday, Jan 10
Doug Morris 1/10/2018 4:12:56 PM

@[John Bail](user:59545), is that for the entire market? With all the craze around #bitcoin and the thousands of copycat #cryptocurrencies, I would have expected it to be much higher.

Bitcoin Regulation And Forks Upcoming
Michele Grant 1/3/2018 10:24:12 PM

I have a lot of doubts about #bitcoin and other #cryptocurrencies, but perhaps my biggest is the fact that any government could limit, or even make illegal, cryptocurrecies, just as China has.

1 to 16 of 24 comments