Video content of Peter Schiff | TalkMarkets
CEO and Chief Global Strategist
Phone: 1-800-727-7922
Peter Schiff is the CEO and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, an SEC-Registered Investment Adviser and a full service broker/dealer. He is also Chairman of SchiffGold, his precious metals dealer, more


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Don’t Trade Gold – Hold It As An Insurance Policy
While the price of gold in Chinese yuan has risen steeply recently, Faber still believes it is a great time to buy gold in US dollars as well.
Could The Yuan Replace The Dollar?
China’s economy is not failing. This is a small devaluation… The Chinese currency has increased in value dramatically over the last several years, along with the US dollar.
Dollar Bubble Set To Burst As China Devalues Yuan
Peter Schiff talks about Chinese Yuan and the US Dollar. (Video Length: 00:05:59)
Chinese Yuan Devaluation Is Minor; US Dollar Bubble Is Growing
While the world still believes the US dollar is the strongest currency amidst an international currency war, Peter warns that the yuan devaluation is just temporary.
2015 May Be Worst Recovery Year; Revise Your Rate Hike Expectations
Peter Schiff’s digs into Friday’s jobs numbers and the great expectations for a September rate hike from the Federal Reserve. (Video Length: 00:24:58)
The Last Thing That Fed Wants Is A Rate Hike
Schiff: Expect the Fed to do QE4. (Video Length: 00:05:37)
U.S. Economic Myths: Stefan Molyneux & Peter Schiff
Stefan Molyneux interviewed Peter Schiff on Freedomain Radio. In this hour-long conversation, Stefan and Peter cover the gamut of essential economic issues: the gold market, hidden inflation, the so-called US economic recovery, and US Dollar.
It’s Not Gold Vs Stocks; It’s Gold Vs Fiat Money
Fox Business asked Peter Schiff to explain why investors should continue to hold on to their gold, rather than sell it at a loss. Peter clarified that he has never recommended investing only in gold and not in stocks.
Gold Doesn’t Need Blind Faith, But The Dollar Does
Peter Schiff explains why the price of gold plunged on Sunday night. More importantly, he reminds investors why gold is not a faith-based asset, like fiat money.
Gold Will Take Off Once Market Comes To Terms With Reality
Gold hits 5-year low.
Markets Are Wrong Again: QE4 & Higher Gold On Horizon
The dollar is stealing a lot of gold’s thunder. People are fleeing to the dollar rather than gold, and that’s putting pressure on gold. But this false narrative that’s driving the dollar is this belief that the US economy is recovering.
Live From Athens: Interviews With Greeks About The Crisis (Video)
While visiting Athens, SchiffGold President Mike Freedman spoke with two Greeks about their country’s economic crisis. His conversations were eye opening and hold important lessons for America.
Chinese Economic Problems Are Made In America
Just like most of the products that Americans buy are made in China, most of the economic problems that the Chinese have are made in America. The reason the Chinese rushed into the stock market is interest rates are too low in China.
China Is Laying The Groundwork For A Gold Standard Right Now
China wants to make the yuan international. The issue they have is they’ve issued a lot of yuan.
Greece Will Get Some Form Of Austerity No Matter What
Peter Schiff shared his take on the Greek crisis with RT. Peter argues that Greece needs to dismantle its giant government and embrace free-market capitalism to grow its economy. (Video Length: 00:06:11)
Peter Schiff On InfoWars: U.S. Is An Economic Parasite
Peter compared Greece to America and argued that the US has less economic freedom than communist China. (Video Length: 00:28:12)
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