Video content of Peter Schiff | TalkMarkets
CEO and Chief Global Strategist
Phone: 1-800-727-7922
Peter Schiff is the CEO and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, an SEC-Registered Investment Adviser and a full service broker/dealer. He is also Chairman of SchiffGold, his precious metals dealer, more


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Over-Hyped Oct. Jobs Report Does Not Assure Dec. Rate Hike
The October jobs number surprised almost everyone and most are now assuming a FED rate hike is a lock but this doesn't mean it will happen. Fed chairman Yellen has only said a hike was possible, not probable.
Europe’s Largest Gold Dealer Targets Asian Demand & $1,500 Gold Price
The CEO of Degussa Golchandel, the largest precious metals bullion dealer in Europe, explained why he disagrees with the mainstream market sentiment concerning the price of gold.
Bernanke’s Defense Of Fed Monetary Policy Is Utter Nonsense
This market is going to collapse, and if it doesn’t I’ll shave my beard. It’s absolutely going to collapse, because when you give traders and speculators free money overnight, they just roll it.
The Cost Of Government Is What It Spends, Not What It Taxes
Peter Schiff joined two other guests on Fox Business’ Closing Bell with Liz Claman. They discussed what it would take for the United States government to balance its budget without deficit spending.
We’re In The Eye Of Gigantic Financial Hurricane
Doug Casey spoke with Greg Hunter. Just like Jim Rickards,Jim Grant, and Dr. Ron Paul, Casey believes we’re in the middle of a cataclysmic era of central bank intervention that will result in an unprecedented monetary collapse.
Going Up: The Fed’s Balance Sheet & Gold
There will be deflation in terms of gold. If you want to price things in gold, stock prices are coming way down in gold. Real estate prices are coming way down in gold.
The Fed Will Be The Last To Know We’re In A Recession
Jim Rickards agrees with Peter Schiff – the United States is already in a recession.
Central Banks Are Trapped In A Loop Of Radical Intervention
Manipulating interest rates is a type of artificial price control, which Grant warns always ends in disaster.
Dr. Ron Paul: The People Vote For Gold All The Time
I would think that people would start thinking that someone who had liked gold and had turned against it – it might be a good buy signal. You know, more sellers.
"Activist" Fed Will Repeat Its QE Cycle To Prop Up The Market
Rick Santelli and Charlies Biderman, CEO of TrimTabs Investment Research, discussed the slowing economic engine of the United States.
Currency Crises Come Quickly; Don't Be Too Late To Prepare
Market Predictions - Danger Coming?
Gold Will Breakout As Rate Hike Myth Dies
Two persistent myths convince gold bears that the price of gold will remain low – a looming series of interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve and the fact that gold did not rally during the last round of quantitative easing.
America Is A Time Bomb: Next Dollar Crash Will Be The Last
The next time the dollar goes down, it’s not going to have any friends. No one is going to be buying it. Nobody is going to fight that currency war again. America is going to lose that war.
The U.S. Is A “Fiscal Titanic” With The Fed As Captain
Just hours before Congress passed a funding bill last night, David Stockman appeared on CNBC to explain why the United States needs to experience a dramatic government shutdown.
It’s 2006 All Over Again
Peter Schiff compiled a new collection of his 2006 warnings of a housing crash. The parallels between then and now are striking. (Video Length: 00:15:11)
Peter Schiff At Jackson Hole Summit: The Monetary Roach Motel
We have a bubble and the Fed wants to prick it.. They've been offering crutches but it is the Fed that crippled us. Words on the Fed from Jackson Hole, Wyoming are the gist of this video.
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