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Investment Advisor Representative - Sitka Pacific Capital Management
Mike Mish Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Sitka Pacific is an asset management firm whose goal is strong performance and low volatility, regardless of market direction. Visit Sitka Pacifics Investment Management Page to learn more ...more

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Eurozone Falls Into Deflation, But Energy Accounts For All Of The Decline; ECB About To Do Something Stupid
Euro area annual inflation is expected to be -0.2% in December 2014, down from 0.3% in November, according to a flash estimate from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
ECB Considering Three QE Options; Eight Reasons Why ECB's Plan Will Fail; Something Up Draghi's Sleeve?
On January 22, ECB president Mario Draghi is expected to announce a plan of action to stimulate Europe via a QE policy of purchasing government bonds.
Germany Wins Race To Negative Yields On 5-Year Bonds; Japan Leads Germany In 10-Year Yield Race
Japan is in the lead, but the smart bet is on Germany. The reason is German rates are negative everywhere from 1-month to 5-years.
Economists Upbeat Despite 4th Consecutive Decline In Factory Orders; Auto Orders Vs. Expectations
Pollyanna economists say "Auto sales are expected to reach their highest level in a decade this year, bolstered by strong job gains and cheap gas." This despite automobile orders down 2.0% and heavy-duty trucks down 4.4%
Red Pill, Blue Pill, Cognitive Dissonance, Pavlov's Dogs
One never knows when this is the dip that isn't bought. When the final dog has been trained, the pool of dip buyers is exhausted.
US And Canadian Expatriates Comment On US Healthcare
Making healthcare both better and more affordable is easy. Finding the political will to cooperate in fixing the problems is what's hard.
Competing Views: Grexit Would Be 'Lehman Squared' Vs. No Problem; Where To Point The Finger When It Blows
Be prepared to point the finger at the EU, ECB, and IMF for their collective insistence that Greece, Spain, Italy, etc. repay debt that cannot and will not be paid back.
Income Inequality Author Turns Down Prestigious Award; Can You Solve A Problem When You Don't Know The Cause?
Piketty does not offer his own theory of what drives economic growth, or what the optimal ratio of capital to labor income might be. In fact, a recurring theme of his book is that the theory-first approach of modern economics is a dead-end.
Vermont Throws In The Towel On Inane Single-Payer "Medicare For All" Proposal; Live And Let Die; Why Does Single-Payer "Work" In Europe?
Proponents of the single-payer healthcare idea who tout the idea such a system will save money need only look at Vermont to see reality.
1000% Inflation In Venezuela?
Venezuela is bleeding foreign reserves in an effort to defend the official exchange rate and also to provide subsidies.
Gmail Dead In China, All Google Products Blocked; Reserve Currency Silliness Review
China erects the Great Firewall to make use of Gmail difficult.
Snap Elections In Greece; 3-Year Bond Yield Tops 12%; Potential Cascade! Who Has The Upper Hand?
To prevent default on €50 billion or so of Greek bonds, the Troika gave Greece a €245 billion bailout, a sum that will be impossible for Greece to ever pay back.
China's Zombie Factories Provide Illusion Of Work And Prosperity; Rebalancing Chinese Style
China has zombie malls and even zombie cities, so zombie factories can hardly be a surprise. And as the malinvestments pile up, so do unrealized shadow bank losses.
Spain To Issue €55 Billion In New Debt, 72% To Roll Over Existing Debt; Interest Rate Perspective
Spain's regional and local governments are struggling to pay back debts. The central government has not made much progress either.
Russia Debt One Grade Above Junk With Downgrades Coming, How Likely Is Default?
All three rating agencies are expected to downgrade Russia's debt to junk soon and bailouts to Russian banks are on the rise, but how likely is default?
Russia's Overnight Lending Rate Hits 19%, As Mistrust Of Banks Spreads; Ruble Up Again
In Russia, the overnight lending rates between banks has soared to 19%, a sign of widespread and warranted mistrust between banks, as one bank has failed.
5889 to 5904 of 5938 Posts