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Investment Advisor Representative - Sitka Pacific Capital Management
Mike Mish Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Sitka Pacific is an asset management firm whose goal is strong performance and low volatility, regardless of market direction. Visit Sitka Pacifics Investment Management Page to learn more ...more

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Job Site Of The Future: Unmanned Bulldozers And Drones For Routine Construction
Why pay an expensive bulldozer driver for foundation work when a drone from the sky paired with an unmanned bulldozer on the ground can compute 3-D plans and do the job better and faster?
Bloomberg Editorial Board Loses Mind
A Bloomberg editorial on what the ECB needs to do is rather amusing. The article headline, albeit true in and of itself, contradicts the body of the article. Let's take a look.
Deflation Bonanza! (And The Fool's Mission To Stop It)
Of all the widely believed but patently false economic beliefs is the absurd notion that falling consumer prices are bad for the economy and something must be done about them.
For Amusement Only: IMF Growth Forecasts And Rationale
IMF global growth forecasts have been totally hopeless, with one downgrade after another.
Race For Negative 30-Year Yields Underway, Swiss In Front With 0.295%; Futility Of Draghi's Upcoming QE
Congratulations (of sorts) to Switzerland for winning the race to negative yields on 10-year government bonds.
"Endgame For Central Bankers" Says Saxo Bank CIO
Major centrals banks claim to be independent, but they are all ultimately under the control of politicians.
Denmark Announces Currency Peg Is "Secure"; 12 Denials In 1 Day; Deposit Rate Cut To -0.20%; More Rate Cuts Coming?
Denmark is the last major economy to peg its currency - the krone - to the euro, and has conducted a fixed exchange rate policy since the 1930s.
Swiss Peg Removal: Did Anyone Win?
In reference to my last article on the Euro Peg; a reader who is a Swiss citizen living in the US, asks "How will removal of the peg affect the Swiss economy/outlook in the long run?" Here is my answer...
Quote Of The Day: "Currencies Don’t Move Much. Without Leverage, No One Would Trade"
Bloomberg reports FXCM had 230,579 retail customers on Dec. 31. They traded $439 billion of currency in December, with an average of 595,126 trades a day.
It Only Takes One: Hedge Fund Manager Who Survived Five Debt Crises Wiped Out Overnight On Swiss Franc
When you speculate with leverage, you can turn from being a hero to a goat in 15 minutes. Poof. $830 million in assets turned to ashes overnight.
Run On Greek Banks Continues; Two Banks Request Emergency Liquidity; €77 Billion In Nonperforming Loans Another Reason To Get Out
The clear picture of which one of us is right emerged when two Greek banks requested Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) from the Central Bank.
Is Faith In Central Bankers Ending? Disinflation Or Deflation? Yen-Gold, Euro-Gold Trend Breaks
Numerous people reported last year that the Yen/Dollar (JPY/USD) pair and gold were moving in a direct synchronous relationship. If one rose or fell, so did the other.
Grand Experiment Failure; Bankers Prefer Bubbles; Europe Is Not USA
In the US, it's relatively safe to assume that even following the huge market plunge in 2008-2009, most choose financial assets rather than bank accounts as the primary savings vehicle.
Contagion Catch 22; Finland Opposes Greece Bailout Deal; No Scope For Solutions
Alexis Tsipras, head of the Greek radical-left party Syriza, currently in the lead in national elections, wants a new bailout deal for Greece, including huge debt write-offs.
Rabbit Hole Intervention Fails: Wild Moves In Swiss Franc As Switzerland Abandons Euro Peg; Morals Of The Story
Today in a surprise announcement, the Swiss National Bank abandoned its silly policy of defending a peg to the euro.
Reflections On The "Sure Trade" Of 2014; Yield Curve Inversion Possible? Five "Sure Things" For 2015?
And just two weeks into January of 2015, the 30-year long bond made a new intraday record low of 2.39%, breaking the previous low of 2.44% on July 26, 2012.
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