Martin Hutchinson | TalkMarkets | Page 11
Columnist at The Bear's Lair
Martin O. Hutchinson is an investment banker with more than 25 years’ experience, Hutchinson has worked on both Wall Street and Fleet Street and is a leading expert on the international financial markets. At Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Hutchinson was a Senior Vice President in charge of the ...more

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The Bear’s Lair: Emerging Markets In An Autarkic World
Five years ago, the future for emerging markets seemed set fair. Globalization was driving much of the world’s manufacturing to them, as Western companies sought optimal global supply chains.
The Bear’s Lair: Merkel-Macron Axis Lacks A Majority
Following the G7 meeting last week, Angela Merkel declared that the EU would need to deepen, and should cease relying on the U.S. and Britain.
The Bear’s Lair: Buffett Rings The Bell For The Market
Buffett has always said he does not understand tech, which naturally makes his vehicle Berkshire Hathaway underperform in extreme tech boom years such as 1999 and, apparently, 2016-17.
The Most Precious Thing Is Patient Cash
The truly wealthy man is he who has liquidity in today’s market – and the patience to hold off investing until prices have collapsed and bargains abound.
The Bear’s Lair: How Do We Fix Finance?
National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, formerly President of Goldman Sachs, startled markets last week by suggesting that the United States should re-impose the Glass-Steagall division between commercial and investment banking.
The Bear’s Lair: Don’t Ask Cronies To Reform Crony Capitalism
We are a long way from true free-market capitalism, and we won’t get there by consulting the current crony “capitalists.”
The Bear’s Lair: Where Is All The Malinvestment?
We have had eight, nearly nine years of zero interest rates and negative real interest rates. Now that interest rates seem to be rising, that malinvestment will collapse, losing lenders’ and investors’ money.
The Bear’s Lair: All Our Futures Depend On The Next Few Months
Rapid productivity growth is the only factor that makes today’s bloated government accounts add up. Before the Industrial Revolution, with very low productivity growth, government’s take was more or less capped at around 10% of GDP.
The Bear’s Lair: French Election Offers Best Chance For EU Reform
The three largest members of the EU are all likely to have elections this year. However, the probability of useful change in Germany’s election due in September is minimal.
The Bear’s Lair: The Battle Between Moore And Eroom
Gordon Moore propounded in 1965 his Law, that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles every two years. That Law has been gradually ceasing to apply over the last few years.
The Bear’s Lair: Reform The Fed Before De-Regulating Banks
Without reforming the Fed, de-regulating banks will be largely counterproductive.
The Bear’s Lair: How Far Will De-Globalization Go?
Globalization was originally an economic concept, at its simplest complete global free trade with absence of barriers, but it has acquired both a political and a cultural dimension.
The Bear’s Lair: How Trump Can Escape From Yellen’s Trap
After the Federal Open Market Committee raised the Federal Funds rate by 0.25% last week it became clear that Janet Yellen and her predecessor Ben Bernanke have laid a trap for President-elect Donald Trump.
The Death Of Long-term Investment
With no secure 50-year investments, the rentier is in severe danger of being wiped out. That will destroy capitalism as we know it, which cannot possibly exist without capital.
The Bear’s Lair: Central Bank Independence Is A Dangerous Myth
The "independence" of central banks is a modern shibboleth, but far from being a market approach, it derives from the Keynesian Bureaucrat Fallacy, in which all-wise bureaucrats are supposed to govern us better than we can govern ourselves.
The Bear’s Lair: The Years Of Fiscal Profligacy
The IMF last week released figures showing that word debt had reached $152 trillion, a record 225% of world GDP.
161 to 176 of 183 Posts
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