James Quinn | TalkMarkets | Page 10
Owner of The Burning Platform
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James Quinn is a senior director of strategic planning for a major university. James has held financial positions with a retailer, homebuilder and university in his almost 30-year career. Those positions included treasurer, controller, and head of strategic planning. He is married with three boys ...more

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SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but inside it's all delightful. And the economic elite are all inside, and well sheltered if not pampered, so it doesn't matter.
I’m Sure It’s Different This Time
The market is nothing but HFT machines programmed by Russians to do the same thing at the same time based on the same criteria. It works great when the algorithms all say to buy. What happens when all the machines decide to sell at the same time?
Which One Of These Is Not Like The Other?
The BLS tells us that shelter inflation in the last year is only 2.7%. The shelter category includes rent and owners equivalent rent. It accounts for 32% of the entire CPI calculation.
Know Who You Owe
We owe foreigners $5.9 trillion, representing 33.5% of our debt outstanding.
The Biggest Insurance Scam In History
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also called “Obamacare,” may be the biggest insurance scam in history. The industries that profit from our current health care system wrote the legislation, heavily influenced the regulations and have received waivers exempting them from provisions in the law.
Gasoline At A Nine Month High
It seems gas prices have been accelerating at a rapid pace over the last two months, with a 12% increase since February 10. They are up 13% from the November low and up 5% versus last year.
Home Sales Continue To Plunge As Home Prices Surge
The National Association of Liars (Realtors) reported existing home sales this morning and they continue to blather about weather and a glorious future. Meanwhile, existing home sales have plunged by 7.5% in the last year and are now at a 21 month low.
Sunday Funnies
A selection of humorous economic and political cartoons to start of your Sunday Easter.
The Great Keynesian Fraud—A Classic Reflection By Bill Bonner
Keynesianism is a fraud. Supply-siderism is a con. The dollar is a scam. All were developed by people with good intentions. But these good intentions not only paved the road to Hell, they greased it. Guess how much a dollar is worth today in comparison to one in 1913? Five cents.
Banksters Are Behind The Wars
A lengthy article about how banksters support and profit from war.
The Most Expensive Ingredient In Beer
The most expensive ingredient in your beer is TAXES. Your beloved Federal, State and local governments siphon off $31.9 billion of taxes from your keg every year. Taxes account for 40% of the retail price of a bottle of beer.
No Market Manipulation Here - Right?
I’m sure this is a coincidence. The Fed and their Wall Street puppet masters certainly don’t coordinate their buying, selling, and suppression of gold prices.
The Richest Man In Asia Is Selling Everything In China
Here’s a guy you want to bet on– Li Ka-Shing. Li is reportedly the richest person in Asia with a net worth well in excess of $30 billion, much of which he made being a shrewd property investor.
Why Retailers Are Closing Thousands Of Stores – Summarized In One Chart
The storyline of retail recovery is false. It will continue to be false based on pure mathematics and demographics. The fact is that REAL retail sales, adjusted for population growth, are at the same level as 1999 and still 5.3% below the debt induced peak in June 2005.
Proof That Bls Inflation Numbers Are A Fraud
I’ve written dozens of posts about the fraudulent figures put out by the propaganda arm of the government – the BLS. Looking at today’s laughable report proves once again how our government desperately needs to convince the clueless masses that inflation is under control.
Largest Mortgage Lender In The World
How exactly did home prices skyrocket by 14% last year? Inquiring minds want to know how you can have a healthy housing recovery with rising home prices when mortgage originations are 74% below 2012 levels at the largest mortgage lender on the planet.
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