Richard O. Zamora III; CMT - Comments
Chartered Market Technician/(GMR) Commodity Trading Advisor/Registered Investment Advisor
Contributor's Links: Global Market Raiders
Richard O. Zamora, III; CMT, CTA, RIA - is a Chartered Market Technician, National Futures Association Associate Member/Registered Investment Advisor Representative, Founder and Principal Managing Partner of Global Market Raiders, LLC; Commodity Trading Advisor and Registered Investment Advisor. ...more
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Classic Elliott Analysis Shows Fall In WTI Crude Futures
7 years ago

Thank you Roger and Anthony for your positive feedback! I'm very busy trading the market right now, but I will be soon posting more - that I believe you will find both informative and actionable.

Gains Can Be Made In UPS
7 years ago

Thank you for your comments! Looking forward to writing more.

In this article: UPS
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