David Templeton | TalkMarkets | Page 24
Portfolio Manager & Principal, HORAN Capital Advisors
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David Templeton, Portfolio Manager Principal, is a senior strategist and advisor at HORAN Capital Advisors. David has extensive experience in portfolio construction, security selection,development of investment policies and portfolio allocation strategies for individual and institutional clients. ...more

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Equal Weighted Equity Performance Lagged In 2017
One equity market phenomenon that played out in 2017 was the fact larger capitalization stocks were larger contributors to market returns.
Is The Glass Half Full Or Half Empty?
The market is way past due for a correction and we will get one; however, a lot of money has been lost waiting for the pullback.
Most-Read Articles From 2017
One interesting commonality for some of our top posts is the fact the ones focusing on investor sentiment tend to gain higher levels of readership.
Continued Improvement In Bullish Investor Sentiment
In the few weeks after the 2016 presidential election, individual investor bullish sentiment spiked to near 50%. Over the course of the next five months though, bullish sentiment trended lower to a year low of 23.85%.
Dogs Of The Dow Make Up Ground In Second Half Of This Year
As of Friday's close both Boeing and Caterpillar will drop out of the Dogs of the Dow for 2018. In the running for inclusion in next year's portfolio are Procter & Gamble and General Electric with dividend yields of 2.99% and 2.74%. respectively.
Small Business Optimism And Equity Market Return One Year Later
When the NFIB Small Business Optimism reading for December 2016 was announced in January, the December reading jumped 7.4 points to 105.8. At that time the optimism reading was the fifth highest reading recorded by NFIB.
Is Optimism Too High?
A risk for the market is the fact sentiment can get too good and create bubbles or over optimism. We do not believe the market or investors are at this stage yet.
If Cash Is King
Much has been written about the stock market's advance since the end of the financial crisis in 2009.
Companies Begin Highlighting Earnings Benefit From Tax Reform
It seems a day does not go by where the market's valuation is a front and center topic of discussion.
A Spike Higher In Bullish Investor Sentiment
Individual investor bullish sentiment jumped 8.1 percentage points to 45.0%.
A Continued Surge In Small Business And Consumer Optimism
Sentiment for both consumers and small businesses continues to soar.
Earnings Not Multiple Expansion The Key To Favorable 2018 Equity Returns
It seems like an eternity since the S&P 500 Index experienced a pullback of more than 5%. This lack of downside volatility has taken place during a nearly uninterrupted increase in the market that began in February last year.
Strong Corporate Profit Picture A Key Component In Today's GDP Report
The profit growth before tax and with the inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments equaled 5.4% on a year over year basis. Without the adjustments, year over year profit growth equaled 10%.
Soaring Consumer Confidence
With consumers accounting for approximately 70% of economic (GDP) activity, today's confidence report portends a positive retail sales environment during the holiday shopping season.
The Sentiment Cycle Phase: Buy The Dip
Aside from fundamental market data, the equity market tends to follow a sentiment cycle as described by Justin Mamis, a famed market technician and author, who wrote several books on technical analysis.
Answering Market Questions At Thanksgiving
In addition to receiving a few questions about Bitcoin from a few relatives over Thanksgiving, the other common question/comment was "can you believe this stock market, how long can it last."
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