Charlie Bilello | TalkMarkets | Page 9
Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors
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Charles Bilello, is the Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors. Sharing ideas that compound over time. Prior to that, Mr. Bilello was the Director of Research at Pension Partners, where is he was responsible for strategy development, investment research and communicating the firm’s ...more


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Volatility Crashes, New Tech Highs, And 2000 Vs. 2017
The Nasdaq Composite hit 6,000 today, 17 years after hitting the 5,000 milestones. Some are comparing today’s market to back then but when you look closer there is really no comparison.
Rule Number 1 In Investing
Investors are said to own stocks in an effort to earn a higher return. Simple, but what exactly does that mean? Higher than what? How much higher? Why are they giving you this higher return?
False Narratives
“The markets are sending a clear message: Trump is bad for risk assets. All of them. Sell everything.” Whether you believe that narrative to be true or false when it comes is up to you. That’s what makes a market.
Searching For The Market Portfolio
The “market portfolio” in theory is a simple concept. In practice, it is exceedingly complex. But a decision still needs to be made: which assets do you choose to include and at what weights?
What’s More Important: Saving Or Investing?
In the U.S. today, the personal savings rate is 5.5%.
An Emerging Divergence In Central Bank Policy
We’re closing out the first quarter and Emerging Markets are leading equities higher, with the MSCI Emerging Markets ETF up 13.40% versus 4.95% for U.S. large caps and 0.18% for U.S. small caps.
The Difference Between A Prediction And A Probability
Where is the S&P 500 going to end the year?
Is The Bearish Engulfing Pattern Actually Bearish?
We saw something this week in the Nasdaq Composite that we’ve never seen before. In the same trading day, the Nasdaq hit both an all-time high and a 1-month low.
Are You Losing Sleep Over A 1% Decline In Stocks?
The most peaceful market in history ended on Tuesday as the S&P 500 suffered a 1% decline intraday. At 64 trading days, the streak was 30 trading days longer than the prior record set in 1995.
The Risk Of A Crash Has Never Been Higher?
According to the CBOE SKEW Index, the risk of a stock market crash has never been higher.
Are Equity Returns Dependent On Easy Money?
The Fed raised interest rates this week for the third time since December 2015. This has many investors concerned about the impact on the stock market.
Is The Divergence In Central Bank Policy Sustainable?
This week the Fed is expected to raise interest rates for the third time since December 2015. In contrast, the Bank of Japan (BOJ), Bank of England (BOE), and European Central Bank (ECB) have all cut rates since December 2015.
REITs, Rates, And Returns
When it comes to REITs, the direction of interest rates and their impact on returns are far from clear. Investors would be better served determining an appropriate long-term allocation than trying to time REITs based on interest rate predictions.
Is A Low Unemployment Rate “Great News” For Stocks?
In October 2009, the U.S. Unemployment Rate stood at 10%, the highest level since the deep recession in the early 1980’s. Since then, it has moved all the way down to 4.7%.
Are Long Bonds Riskier Than Stocks?
Most investors know that bond prices move inversely to interest rates and that the longer the duration of the bond, the higher the sensitivity to interest rates. But witnessing that firsthand since last July has been jarring to many nonetheless.
What Happens When The Mcclellan Oscillator Is Oversold?
The NYSE McClellan Oscillator is at its most oversold level since last November. Historically, such extreme oversold levels have been followed by above-average returns over the next 1-12 months.
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