Charlie Bilello | TalkMarkets | Page 5
Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors
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Charles Bilello, is the Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors. Sharing ideas that compound over time. Prior to that, Mr. Bilello was the Director of Research at Pension Partners, where is he was responsible for strategy development, investment research and communicating the firm’s ...more


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How Much Should You Expect Your House To Appreciate?
Over the complete history (1891 – 2017), housing prices have increased 3.2% per year on a nominal basis and 0.7% after inflation.
Will Higher Mortgage Rates Kill The Housing Market?
U.S. Mortgage Rates have risen for 9 consecutive weeks, hitting their highest levels since January 2014.
What Real Returns Should Bond Investors Expect?
We have monthly inflation data (CPI) in the U.S. going back to 1948. Since then, the median real yield on 10-year Treasury bonds has been 2.2%.
Is Cash No Longer Trash?
A positive real yield (yield above inflation rate) is something cash-like instruments have lacked during much of the past 9 years.
Inflation, Deflation, And Bond Market Returns
Inflation. Deflation. Two words often heard in conversations about the bond market. Why?
Sentiment Is Not A Strategy
When the spread is high, investors tend to be greedier. When the spread is low, investors tend to be more fearful.
Earnings, Stock Prices, And The Voting Machine
Earnings drive stock prices – so says investing lore. As earnings rise or fall, stock prices move higher or lower by a commensurate amount.
Still Easy After All These Years
The Federal Funds rate stands today in a range of 1.25% to 1.50%. To put that range in perspective, it is still below the Fed Funds Rate at the time of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy (2.00%).
Inflation, Deflation, And Stock Market Returns
Inflation! Deflation! Two words that strike fear into the hearts of investors. Are such fears justified?
Crude Oil, Inflation Expectations, And The End Of Easy Money
Every major developed country central bank in the world is maintaining negative real interest rates in what is now the 9th year of a global economic expansion.
Trend Following In Bitcoin
If we define an uptrend as an asset trading above its 200-day moving average, Bitcoin has been in one for over two years now: since October 11, 2015.
When Stocks And Bonds Go Down Together
There are certain times when the very source of equity market anxiety is a rise in interest rates and potential inflation. During such times you can see stocks and long bonds fall together.
Will Yields Break On Through To The Other Side?
If economic growth and inflation are going to increase as expected from here, a continued rise in yields would seem likely. But the better question perhaps is whether investors should welcome or fear such an outcome.
Valuations And Bear Markets
U.S. equity valuations are high. How high? In January, the CAPE (Cyclically Adjusted P/E) ratio rose to 33.76. This is more than double the average historical CAPE Ratio since 1990.
Is Gold Really The Best Inflation Hedge?
Bonds, Stocks, and REITs have all been far superior hedges against inflation than Gold. And they’ve all done so with lower volatility than Gold.
Stop Searching For The Holy Grail
The question is whether there’s enough evidence to show that trend following in Gold has been superior strategy to buy-and-hold.
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