Charlie Bilello | TalkMarkets | Page 18
Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors
Contributor's Links: Compound Capital Advisors
Charles Bilello, is the Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors. Sharing ideas that compound over time. Prior to that, Mr. Bilello was the Director of Research at Pension Partners, where is he was responsible for strategy development, investment research and communicating the firm’s ...more


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Is The U.S. Really Decoupling From The World?
One of the key themes of 2014 was this notion that the U.S. was decoupling from the world. The narrative – Japan may be in recession, Europe in a deflationary collapse, and China slowing, but the U.S. is strong and is an island unto itself.
Real Wage Growth And Fed Policy: A Tenuous Relationship
Investors are now expecting the Fed to keep rates on hold at least until September of this year, thanks to weak wage growth.
To V, Or Not To V, That Is The Question
The strongest positive feedback loop in history, what has become known as simply the “V.” Since the beginning of 2013, once a pullback low is in place, the S&P 500 has marched straight up until new highs were reached.
Forget The Minutes – Stock Market Will Guide Fed Policy In 2015
During the recent five day decline of 4% in the S&P 500, we saw this yet again. The Fed Funds futures curve immediately moved from predicting the first rate hike in July out to September.
The Race To Negative Yields: Historic Action In The Bond Market
The bond market continues to make history as global deflationary pressures and record central bank easing are driving yields to unfathomable levels.
Irrational Exuberance, Cuba Edition
The efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) requires that investors have “rational expectations,” that on average the population is correct and whenever new information appears, expectations are updated appropriately.
Déjà Vu: Strategists Predict Higher Rates In 2015
Predicting exactly where the markets are going to be a year from now is of course an impossible task, but that never stopped the Street from trying.
Momentum, Thy Name Is Healthcare?
Healthcare, the best performing sector in the market this year, is now the top weighting in the largest momentum ETF.
The New Tech: Changing Sector Behavior Over Time
Industries change. Companies change. Valuations change. It should come as no surprise, then, that sector behavior in the stock market can change as well.
A 5% Correction And QE4 Talk Begins
Over the past eleven days, the S&P 500 has declined a little over 5%. This is now the 17th correction of greater than 5% since March 2009.
Stock Market Tail Wags The Fed Dog
After keeping interest rates at 0% for an unprecedented six years, one would think that the Fed would be ready to stop saying that it intends to maintain rates at 0% for a “considerable time.”
A Tale Of Two Markets, Two Economies
If you’re looking only at large-cap U.S. stocks, it is the best of times, the age of wisdom, the spring of hope. New all-time highs are more frequent this year than any since 1929.
Are Investors Beginning To Shun Social Media?
Social Media has lagged the broader indices by a considerable margin in 2014 and the Social Media ETF (SOCL) is now down over -13% this year.
Whistling Past The Russian Graveyard
The Ruble is collapsing, hitting new all-time lows against the U.S. Dollar.
Investors Go All-In On Stocks
Most of the time sentiment data is just noise that should be ignored because it is not telling you anything. This is not one of those times.
The Santa Rally: Separating Fact From Fiction
The real surprise will be if Santa doesn’t come this year, which some suggest is a negative signal for markets (as we last saw in 2007 heading into 2008).
273 to 288 of 308 Posts
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