Cents For Sense Blog | The Importance Of Customer Experience In Your Small Business | TalkMarkets
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The Importance Of Customer Experience In Your Small Business

Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 7:59 AM EDT

Image Source: Unsplash


The impression your customers have of your brand plays a huge role in the success of your business and will be determined by all aspects of their journey with your company.

Improving your customer’s experience is an important part of growing your business and seeing it flourish over time. A great solution is through ServiceNow Customer Experience, which can help you to meet and exceed your customer’s expectations. For now, though, let’s take a deeper look at what customer experience is and why it matters.


Customers Have Power

The first thing you need to recognise is the fact that the success of your business lies mainly in the hands of your customers, not your own. With the power of the internet at one’s disposal, finding alternatives for products and services has never been quicker or easier to do – which means that overall, your business is replaceable. 

It’s your customer’s experience of your business and brands that will lead them to stay and offer you their loyalty. They hold the power to walk away, but it’s in your hands to convince them not to.


Are You Doing a Good Job?

But how can you tell if your customers are experiencing your business in a positive way? There are a few different ways to tell. 

First of all, customer retention is a clear cut sign that whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it right. This could be chalked up to your products, your customer service, your delivery times, your marketing or any combination of these. When a customer is happy, they’ll keep coming back. 

Another great way to test the water is by asking for feedback from your customers. This is a great way to assess where you’re at, but also pinpoint areas where you could be improving. 


How Can You Improve the Experience?

Naturally, you want your customers to have the best possible experience of your brand. Keep in mind that this touches on every aspect of your business that your customers come in contact with – from your marketing and social media pages, down to the courier company that drops off their goods. 

Take time to assess every step of the buying process, note any points where your customer is in direct contact with your company and figure out what works and what doesn’t. 

This process will take trial and error but it’s well worth the effort to fine-tune it for happier customers.


Learn From Mistakes

You’re going to get negative feedback, customer complaints and even angry phone calls. Unfortunately, we all make mistakes and this is simply part of the process, but it’s what you do with this experience that matters.

Use negative experiences like these to figure out your pitfalls and ensure that the same mistakes aren’t repeated. Customers are usually easy to figure out and keeping them happy depends on a simple structure of processes – get these right and you should be boosting your customer loyalty and improving customer experience overall.

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