Cents For Sense Blog | How to Win at College: Surprising Secrets for Success | TalkMarkets
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How to Win at College: Surprising Secrets for Success

Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:17 AM EDT

Woman Standing in Hallway While Holding Book

So, you’ve been accepted to college and now you want to make the most out of your experience. How do I graduate with honors? What do I need to do to open the doors so I can avail of maximum opportunities? Is it possible for me to create a head turning resume that will put me ahead of my peers? And how can I do all of this while enjoying the social experience of being a student? Are these the questions that are running through your head? If so, the following are some surprising secrets to college life success. 

Secure Financing

The rising cost of education is a worrying factor for many students. Covering the fees and having enough cash to live on is becoming more difficult without external financing. To limit stress and maximize your experience, it’s a good idea to secure funding. There is the option of taking out a student loan. Plenty of students choose this kind of credit and there are many benefits that make it a viable solution for most. Other options include getting government funding and reaching out to friends and family. Either way, it’s always a good idea to limit stress by ensuring you have enough funds to cover fees and living expenses. 

Get Involved Early

You must get involved early if you want to be a standout student. This means making connections with your professors and volunteering to help out in research projects. Join the board of some committees and attend all networking events that you’re interested in. Doing so can help you learn so much and you’ll be adding to the appeal of your resume. It’s a win-win and you’ll get over your first-year jitters much quicker than other students. 

Be Inquisitive

It’s time to leave shyness at the door as you enter into this next chapter. Ask questions at lectures, ask your professors to explain things that you don’t understand and be inquisitive when chatting with your peers. Be sure to reach out to students who have already had success in your course and ask them for advice on things that you are struggling with. Always be sure that your questions add value to the conversation and allow other people to get involved in the conversation too. The goal is to be inquisitive without prying. 

Don’t Waste Sundays

Want to get ahead and make the most of your weekends? Don't waste your Sundays. Instead of lying on the couch nursing a hangover, be productive and get ready for the week ahead. Doing so can create momentum that will carry into Monday and the rest of the week. Some good rituals to include in your routine include getting an early night, eating healthy meals, taking a long soak in a bath, and doing some exercise. 

This can also help minimize financial stress that can pop up in the form of impulse and overspending as a result of not having planned properly. Things like too much carryout and not enough grocery shopping can add up quickly. Or maybe just take some time out in your favorite coffee shop and read a book or listen to a podcast? Lose the bad habits and you’ll feel ready for whatever the week has to throw at you come Monday morning. 

Image Source: Pexels

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