Cents For Sense Blog | Professionally Speaking Is Part Of Having Any Career | TalkMarkets
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Professionally Speaking Is Part Of Having Any Career

Date: Monday, August 5, 2019 3:05 PM EDT

In today’s world, the importance of professionals should not be discounted; neither should the necessity for financial planning. When you think about it, the two really go hand-in-hand. You deserve to equip yourself with the knowledge on how to not allow the fruits of your labor to be squandered. In order to prevent financial irresponsibility, there are certain tools you need to equip yourself with.  


Be Prepared

As annoying as clichés can be, they are usually born from purpose. Calling to mind, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”; a bit of precaution will go a long way. Said precautions can be any one of a variety of stumbling blocks you will come across in life. Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, you may find yourself unemployed and not knowing where exactly to turn. Job loss is not something you typically plan for, so taking steps to re-enter the job force with useful job-seeking tips, will save you both time and money.


As a responsible adult, and possibly a young professional and/or homeowner, hiring the right expert to carry out essential preventative maintenance in your home can save you in the long-run. For example, pest control; sure, you could muddle your way through various do-it-yourself methods in the hopes of saving money, but the top and the bottom of it is, if you don’t know what you’re doing, not only can your efforts be futile, but you may end up spending far more than you would if you just sought out the services of a professional like the ones at Moxie Pest Control, who know exactly what they are doing.


Be Penny-Wise

As a new professional or even learning the ins and outs of adulting, it's imperative you educate yourself on how to be wise with your money. Financial planning isn’t something most people think about until they find themselves in a position to try to correct some mistakes they’ve made along the way. Do yourself a favor and become acquainted with some helpful tips to help avoid certain financial disaster. 


When you start working, make sure to allocate your money properly. Choose a reasonable amount to finance your basic necessities - a good rule of thumb is typically half of your income to provide for food, rent and utilities. Another 20% of your paycheck should be set aside in savings. Unexpected emergencies pop up from time to time and it's always best to be financially prepared for as much as you can. The remaining 30% can be used for a clothing allowance and to finance doing the things you enjoy such as meals out and entertainment with friends and family.


Cash or Credit

Credit is the way of the world, but not knowing how to use credit to your advantage can cause financial ruin. It's always best to not charge more than you can pay off in full the following month when the bill is due. If you find that you are in a situation where you are unable to pay the balance in full, at the very least, make sure you pay the minimum payment on time. 


Credit is a very useful tool that you will need for almost everything in your life from renting an apartment to buying a house or car and beyond. It's wise to use it correctly so it can help you when you need it; better to use something correctly the first time than spend countless time trying to correct mistakes you’ve made. A poor credit score will haunt you and cost you more in higher interest rates. Like anything, financial security can be achieved with forethought, education and a bit of self-discipline.


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