Cents For Sense Blog | Becoming Debt-Free Before You Retire | TalkMarkets
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Becoming Debt-Free Before You Retire

Date: Sunday, March 20, 2022 8:45 PM EDT

man and woman sitting on bench in front of beach

As you near retirement, it's important to save money so that you can enjoy your lifestyle after you leave your job. However, it's also important to try to pay off any money that you owe. You don't want to have to worry about debt after retirement. The tips below can help you make sure that you can enjoy those golden years without worrying about paying off major bills.

Your Mortgage

Your mortgage is a little bit different from other debts. You should take a few things into consideration before you decide whether you will pay it off along with the rest of the money that you owe. If you need to save more toward retirement, it's generally a good idea to put your money toward that instead. You may also want to put money toward investments that have a higher yield than what you would save by paying the mortgage off early. On the other hand, if you do not need the money for other things and it will give you peace of mind, paying it off might be the right choice for you. You should also be aware of any tax implications related to your decision.

Reviewing Your Assets

As you create a strategy for paying down your debts, it is helpful if you know exactly what assets you have. You might want to sell some of them to put toward those debts. This can also help you decide what to do if you're still on the fence about paying off a mortgage. Many people sell their home after retirement and get a smaller place to save on housing, but you may have other assets as well. If you have a life insurance policy, you might not need it any longer, and you may be able to sell it through a life settlement. You can review Q Life Settlements that can give you all the necessary information to get started.


Your retirement is not doomed if you do not manage to become debt-free by the time it rolls around. It is also important that you don’t let inflation destroy your life savings on your journey towards debt-free living. Ideally, you should at least be rid of your highest interest obligations, but your retirement plans should not be significantly affected as long as you have a plan to deal with any remaining debt.

Focus on High Interest Rates

There are basically two schools of thought for paying down your debt, and in most cases, the one that works best for you is the one to choose. You can pay off your smallest debt first or your highest interest rate. The idea is that the former is more psychologically satisfying while the latter is financially smarter, and ultimately, the best choice is the one you're more likely to stick to and be motivated by. 

However, if you're getting close to retirement, it's probably a good idea to work on the debts with the highest interest rates first. You may want to look at strategies for reducing what you are paying too, such as rolling the balance onto a lower-interest card. You should also avoid accumulating additional high-interest date if retirement is in the near future.

Image Source: Unsplash

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