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5 Tips to Choose the Best Online IAS Coaching

Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 10:48 PM EDT


Well, Online IAS Coaching can definitely put you on the right track if you have been contemplating preparing for the IAS Exam. The online mode of preparing has brought preparation for the Exam within the reach of all.

Why opt for the Online IAS Coaching in the very first place?

A number of the IAS aspirants, though they aim at joining the Indian Administrative Services from the core of their heart, do not perceive the idea to prepare for the Exam, a feasible one, for one reason or another. Some of the major reasons might be:

a .A considerable number of housewives find it simply impossible to leave home every day in order to attend the IAS coaching classes.
b. There are many who cannot resign from their full time jobs to be there in the classroom coaching sessions.
c. And a majority of the IAS aspirants simply can’t leave their hometowns and rush to Delhi for the sake of attending the classroom sessions at an IAS coaching institution.

The list of reasons might go on till eternity for all live in their own specific circumstances that, of course should be respected.

But, the online coaching has made it feasible for all to prepare for the IAS Exam. And that’s a major reason behind its soaring popularity.

Tips to Choose the Best Online IAS Coaching

Though Online IAS Coaching comes to the rescue of all with some problem or another, it’s not an easy task to finalize the best one. Like the traditional classroom IAS coaching institution, you would come across quite a number of the online IAS coaching institutions, making the choice somewhat difficult for you. And you might be left confused feeling annoyed for time flies off, anyway. And an IAS aspirant usually runs short of the time for there is the huge syllabus of UPSC to be prepared for the IAS Exam.

So, here are a few tips for you so that you do not waste much of the time choosing the Best online coaching for IAS:

1. Videos: It would be in the best of your interests to opt for the online IAS coaching that updates the videos as and when required. Besides, the video coaching sessions should cater to all the requirements of the UPSC syllabus.

What’s worth noting that you might have joined an online coaching rather than a regular classroom coaching for a valid reason of your own, that, of course, does not imply that you are to compromise with the quality of the coaching. Thus, make it sure that the IAS online coaching video sessions, apart from taking care of the UPSC syllabus requirements, establish a co-relativity with the Current Affairs.

It would be best to see that the online IAS coaching that you opt for provides you with the same coaching sessions as are attended by the students in the regular classrooms (that is to say, if the online coaching institution provides regular classroom classes as well).

2. Faculty: The faculty teaching online should have a tight grip over their respective subjects. Besides, they should also be well experienced. The faculty members with a considerable experience of coaching the IAS aspirants are more likely to be aware of the effective teaching methodologies and the changing patterns produced by UPSC in the Civil Services Exam.

And the faculty should see to it that all the requirements of the syllabus prescribed by UPSC are well taken care of. Also, the online coaching for IAS should keep a provision for solving the queries of the students both by means of e-mail and by the faculty concerned, in person (if so, required).

3. Study Material Online, Apart from the Test Series: The Study Material and the Test Series should be:

     i. Designed competently as per the UPSC syllabus for the Civil Services Exam

     ii. Should take into account:

                      a. The changes produced in the syllabus by UPSC (if any)

                      b.  Any change, if made by UPSC, into the questioning style and/or pattern of the CSE question papers.

The point to be noted is that apart from the online Study Material and the video sessions, the online Test Series play a pivotal role when it comes to clearing the IAS Exam. Solving the Test Series gets your preparation move on the right track for you get to be aware of your own strengths as well as weaknesses.

Besides, solving the Test Series within the same time span as allowed by UPSC for answering the questions in the CSE enhances your confidence and you can face the Exam later with a greater ease.

4. Answer Writing Skills: It’s advisable to join the IAS online coaching that focuses on developing your answer writing skills as well. It should always be kept in mind that UPSC is going to make an assessment of your capabilities as a potential administrator based on what you write and how you write for the Mains. Thus, these are your answers that convey to UPSC if you may be a good administrator in future or not.

5. Fee: Though the online IAS coaching is usually economically viable for most of the IAS aspirants if you compare it with the traditional classroom IAS coaching, it would be in your interest to opt for the online institution that offers the perfect coaching, apart from being cost effective. If you make the consideration, you would definitely be able to compete well while you face the IAS Exam.

However, what you simply cannot ignore is that though you would be studying at your leisure, for you have opted for the Online IAS Coaching rather than the regular classroom one, you would have to focus keenly on the self studies. You would have to keep a track of making the revisions and re-reading the relevant parts of the study material, in case you feel you need to do so. Also, in the absence of the regular faculty, you would need to be more sincere for implementing the required changes in your study methodology.

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