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For over a quarter of a century, professional investor and best-selling author Doug Casey and his team at Casey Research have been helping self-directed investors to earn superior returns through innovative research ...more


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If You Own The S&P 500, You’re Betting On These Three Outcomes… Whether You Know It Or Not
So… why did the S&P return from its barbecuing and parade-watching on Memorial Day to surge to another new all-time high?
When Your Alarm Clock Knows Your Train Is Late, And Your Car Remembers Getting Tanked
We’re almost there. The next step is the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. And because it promises to be big, many investors are chomping at the bit to make money off of this latest trend in tech. Unfortunately, they’re early to the party.
Private Placements: Blood Transfusions For Zombies
Watching the junior mining sector over the past three years feels much like witnessing the slow and protracted death of a good friend.
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: The "Nuclear Solution" To Underfunded Public Pensions
Five heavily populated states—California, Illinois, Ohio, New Jersey, and Texas—collectively lack $431.5 billion; money that won’t be paid out to hopeful pensioners.
OPEC’s New Reality Is America’s Ticket To Freedom
OPEC is not your friend, and if you believe OPEC will come to your rescue when your oil runs out, I have some magic beans to sell you.
Mining & Environment—Facts Vs. Fear
“I would NEVER invest in a mining company—they destroy land, pollute our water and air, and wreck the habitat of plants and animals.”
You Can’t Shoot Fish In A Barrel Without Ammunition: Why FOMO Is Every Investor’s Worst Enemy
FOMO stands for "Fear of Missing Out." Investors experience FOMO too. And it usually leads to bad decisions.
The Rise Of Africa… And How To Play It
Say the words and most people think of poverty… famine… epidemics… political strife… sectarian violence. Yet, just recently, Microsoft announced a new investment on the continent, calling Africa a “game changer in the global economy.” So what gives?
Hightailing It Out Of High-Tax States
Producers—or creators of new wealth—are moving to the states where they are treated well and abandoning the states that treat them badly.
The Colder War And The End Of The Petrodollar
The mainstream media are falling over themselves talking about Russia’s just-signed “Holy Grail” gas deal with China, which is expected to be worth more than $400 billion. But here’s what I think the real news is… and nobody’s talking about it—until now, that is.
Seven Things You May Not Know About Coal
The days of tossing another lump on the fire to keep warm are behind most of us, but coal is still vital to keep our modern computers, air conditioners, and even cars humming. How much do you know about one of the world’s most indispensable commodities?
The Birth Of A New Bull Market
If I asked you why you think I’m bullish on platinum and palladium, you’d probably point to the strikes in South Africa, the world’s largest producer of platinum.
Forget Stocks… Buy Taxi Medallions?
The price of a New York City (NYC) taxi medallion, or a “tin”’ as the industry has taken to calling them, has risen from $10 when originally issued in the 1930s to well over $1 million today.
The Scary Deflation Monster: The Fed Vs. Prosperity
The Fed has benefited the government mightily. Its exchange of new accounting units for the Treasury’s bonds has stealthily transferred value from savers’ accounts to the government.
The Most Anticipated Oil Well Of 2014
Large international oil companies (IOCs) and the largest national oil companies (NOCs) are all anxiously watching an oil well that’s being drilled by a North American company in a little, out-of-the-way country in Europe.
Yellen’s Wand Is Running Low On Magic
The government had a pipe dream of white picket fences for everyone. But Americans can't refinance their way to wealth.
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