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For over a quarter of a century, professional investor and best-selling author Doug Casey and his team at Casey Research have been helping self-directed investors to earn superior returns through innovative research ...more


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Fed Still On Red Alert
Remember the Homeland Security Advisory System? We were never to leave our bags unattended, and the constant creepy announcement in airports was never that we were safe...
Who Will Win The Third Iraq War?
In a strange turn of events, Iraq is asking the United States to bomb it.
The Only PGM Stock You Should Buy
One of the major reasons we’re so bullish on platinum group metals—palladium, in particular—is because of the intractable problems with supply.
Whiskey: For Drinking Or Hoarding?
When cheap money creates bubbles, suddenly the absurd become investment strategies. Whiskey, for instance, isn’t just for drinking anymore. This precious liquid is in a bull market.
The Federal Reserve’s Secret Piggy Bank
Bud Conrad explains a new tool in the Federal Reserve’s monetary arsenal—one that the Fed is using to quietly drain cash from the economy with almost no one noticing.
Marc Andreessen Is A Terrorist, And The Government Should Shut Down Uber And Airbnb
Last week the famed venture capitalist behind Andreessen Horowitz and cofounder of Netscape, Marc Andreessen, declared that Edward Snowden was not a hero but a “traitor.”
The US Economy Is Still In The High-Danger Zone
I have been harping on the Federal Reserve policy of artificially keeping down interest rates since it started over five years ago.
Don’t Invest Like Sisyphus
The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly roll a stone to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. At the very end of his effort measured by skyless space and time without depth, the purpose is achieved.
Where’s The Smart Money?
Money put into companies by serially successful investors, hedge fund managers, and institutions.
I Owe My Soul—Why Negative Interest Rates Are Only The First Step
Unfortunately, in spite of record profits by banks and staggering bonuses handed out to senior bank executives, somehow the QE and low interest rates have not created the prosperity desired. The economy is still in the tank. What to do?
Russian Bullion Dealer: Russians Aren’t Into Gold—Yet—But Wait Until They Stampede
With Russia rising to the forefront of world affairs as well as natural-resource-related events, we thought it timely to find out more about Russians’ attitude toward gold.
Too Good To Be True? Legally Avoid Paying Income Tax
When you hear about strategies that claim to legally allow US citizens to avoid having to pay income tax, the first thing that probably comes to mind is that it’s some sort of cockamamie scheme... until recently.
Be A Contrarian, Or Be A Victim
We haven’t had so much as a ten-percent correction in two years.
What Casey Research Staff Are Buying This Summer
Anyone can go on television and tell investors company X is a great investment, but how much should you trust them if they don’t follow their own recommendations?
Beer, Bears, And A Canoe: Your Guide To Lower Travel Costs
The US has a 44-year-old mistress, and her name is Amtrak. Since its inception in 1970, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) has received about $45 billion in federal subsidies, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Good Reason For Doom And Gloom
Questioning the bull market can be treacherous. Howard Gold, writing for MarketWatch, makes fun of seers who made what he calls “the four worst predictions to gain traction over the past few years.”
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