Adam Torkildson Blog | What You Need To Know About Marketing Your Law Firm Online | TalkMarkets
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What You Need To Know About Marketing Your Law Firm Online

Date: Friday, June 23, 2023 4:43 PM EDT

Marketing online can help generate millions in revenue for a law firm. The chances are that competitors are spending consistent amounts on digital marketing. Of course, there are some areas of law that have massive budgets for online marketing like personal injury. Others might not have as large of a budget as they might handle bankruptcy cases. Ranking at the top of the search engines can be quite beneficial in terms of profits for a firm regardless of the niche of law they practice. 

Digital marketing for law firms can be left to agencies as there are those that specialize in law firms. These agencies might already have contact with local publications or those in the field of law. Building backlinks along with honing in on an efficient PPC strategy can be a great start. Using data to shape future campaigns can be so important as you want to continually put money into tactics with incredible ROIs. The following are things that you need to know about digital marketing for your law firm. 

Data Should Be Tracked For All Campaigns

Data is a huge part of any form of marketing and with online marketing, tracking is far easier than for traditional marketing tactics. Tools that are used make this far easier to see what kind of traffic the site is receiving. Bounce rates are also important as a person might navigate off of the site if they do not find what they are looking for immediately. Take the time to figure out various areas of the business like sending coupons to those with products abandoned in their carts. You might find these buyers add another product or two to their cart after receiving the discount in the form of a digital coupon. 

Content Should Answer Common Questions 

Common questions that have been answered via content can be so useful to those visiting the website looking for a specific type of information. A criminal defense lawyer might answer questions on what to do if you have been arrested for DWI or reckless driving. Divorce lawyers might answer various questions on alimony or various custody agreements they have seen in the past. Finding a common search intent of various clients can be done by asking what they searched to find the firm. All data is important to gather as this can just be a passing question that is filled out during a consultation.

Inclusion In Online Directories

Online directories that list only quality law firms can be great for driving leads. There are some that do not know what to look for in a lawyer so these sites can help direct them to the law firms with the best reputation in the area. Reaching out to be included might cost a bit of money but one conversion might be enough to cover the cost. The backlinks you get from directories that have massive amounts of traffic can be powerful as well. Online directories can act as the phone books of old in some cases with the advantage of being able to see ratings from previous clients. 

Digital marketing for a law firm includes everything from social media to the website of the firm. The truth is that a firm can fall behind its competitors with a lack of investment and effort in terms of their online marketing. Do not allow firms without the same level of expertise to attract clients away from your firm.

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