Adam Torkildson Blog | Steps to Strengthen Your Employee Value Proposition | TalkMarkets
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Steps to Strengthen Your Employee Value Proposition

Date: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 7:14 AM EDT

Today’s world of increasing competition requires employers to set themselves apart in order to attract and retain the highest caliber of candidates. No longer satisfied with just a paycheck, employees are increasingly asking themselves questions about the type of work that will offer them a sense of satisfaction and where they will feel the most valued for their contribution. 

However,  it seems many employers are still some way off in achieving this alignment. According to a Gartner survey, 82% of employees said it was important for their organization to see them, not just as an employee, but as a person, however, only 45% of them believed their organization actually saw them in this way. 

Prioritizing employee values and satisfaction through the creation of an employee value proposition (EVP) is essential for a mutually beneficial working relationship between employers and employees. In this article, we will discuss some key steps employers can take to create a strong EVP to help boost employee attraction, engagement, and retention.

Employee-Centric Offering

For an EVP to achieve its intended goal of attracting the right candidates it must come across as an enticing proposition. This requires an organization to clearly understand the needs and values of their workforce in order to offer them a tailored package that reflects these. Rather than a universal approach to benefits, employers may find they need to adapt their offerings based on factors such as department, job function, or gender.

By carrying out research such as employee surveys, interviews, and anonymous feedback, employers can clearly gauge what their employees value or need to remain engaged and motivated in their roles. With these valuable insights, an employee-centric EVP can then be created that resonates and aligns with these needs.

Review Benefits Package

Beyond their basic salary, employers should seek to compensate their employees for their time and efforts through a well-defined and generous benefits package. The following offerings can add tangible value to employees:

  • Healthcare
  • Retirement benefits
  • Paid time off 
  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Parental leave

Other benefits include things that can contribute to employees’ overall well-being such as on-site fitness facilities, meditation classes, and other offerings that can contribute to greater holistic health and a more balanced work-life for staff. 

Broadcast Your EVP

A well-crafted EVP will have little impact if it is not widely known. To yield optimum results, an organization must be effective in communicating its EVP to the market. 

Organizations can achieve this by ensuring their EVP is clearly communicated on their website, and recruitment material and that their internal and external communications reflect their core values and company culture.

A statement that encapsulates this organizational ethos can also be included on their social media channels, intranet and even highlighted throughout the building such as in the staff canteen or breakout rooms.

Word of mouth is another effective way to get the message out so employees should be encouraged to speak about the things that make their organization an enjoyable and rewarding place to work.

By putting these tips into practice, employers can make significant strides in attracting the best talent while enhancing the work experience for existing employees. 


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