Adam Torkildson Blog | Financing Options for Contractors | TalkMarkets
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Financing Options for Contractors

Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:01 PM EDT

When working with contracts, liquidity, and consistent cash flow are paramount. With the stringent requirements and complex bureaucracies that contractors often face, having robust financial support is not just helpful—it's essential. This is especially true when working on projects for the federal government. Thankfully, a range of financing options are available for any contractor, even if you need federal government contract financing. 

Why Contract Financing is Essential

Businesses working with larger contracts run into lengthy payment terms that might not align with the immediate needs of their projects. Payment delays can occur for various reasons: extensive approval processes, administrative hiccups, or unexpected changes in project scope. For many businesses, waiting extended periods to get paid is not feasible. That's where different types of financing step in. It offers an immediate influx of capital, ensuring contractors have the money to meet payroll, purchase materials, and manage other project-related costs.

Diverse Financing Options for Contractors

  1. Invoice Factoring: This is a popular financing option where contractors sell their outstanding invoices to a third party (a factoring company) at a discount. The factoring company then collects payment directly from the customer, allowing the contractor to access funds without waiting for the invoice to be paid. Businesses can then reinvest the capital into their project or use it to cover other business expenses.
  2. Contract Line of Credit: Here, contractors can get a revolving line of credit based on the value of their government contracts. This LOC ensures they have the flexibility to withdraw funds when needed and only pay interest on the amount they've borrowed.
  3. Advance Payments & Mobilization Funding: Certain lenders provide advance payments to help contractors start their projects. Mobilization funding can cover expenses that are incurred at the beginning of a project, such as equipment procurement and setting up operations.
  4. DoD Contract Financing: Tailored specifically for contractors working with the Department of Defense, this financing option addresses the unique challenges and requirements that DoD contracts often present. Contractors can navigate the intricate defense contracting landscape more effectively with DoD financing.

Choosing the Right Financing Option

When evaluating financing options, government contractors should consider several factors:

  • Payment Terms: Understand the payment terms of the client you're working with. Solutions like invoice factoring might be more beneficial if they tend to have extended payment cycles.
  • Contract Size and Duration: Larger, longer-term contracts might benefit from dedicated contract lines of credit, providing consistent liquidity throughout the project's lifecycle.
  • Specific Agency Requirements: If you're working with specific agencies like the Department of Defense, they may have specialized requirements in their contract.
  • Costs and Fees: Be mindful of any fees or interest rates associated with the financing. While some options offer immediate capital, they might come at a higher cost in the long run.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: As your business grows and takes on more contracts, your financing solution should be able to scale with you. Look for solutions that can accommodate your future growth.


Financing provides a lifeline for contractors, ensuring they have the capital they need to deliver on their projects effectively. By understanding the options available and evaluating them based on their specific needs, contractors can secure the best financing solutions and continue to thrive in the competitive business world.

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