Adam Torkildson Blog | 6 Most Effective Ways to Fight Inflation | TalkMarkets
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6 Most Effective Ways to Fight Inflation

Date: Friday, November 3, 2023 1:08 PM EDT

The general price level of goods and services rising steadily over time is called inflation, and it can eat away at your purchasing power and cause economic instability. Although inflation is a multi-factor economic phenomenon, it is possible to lessen its effects on individuals, businesses, and governments. Inflation can be dangerous to your finances, but this article will show you six ways to fight back.

Diversify Your Investments

Diversifying your portfolio can be a powerful weapon against inflation. The real value of your money can decrease over time due to inflation, but diversifying your assets can help you avoid this. Asset classes like stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities can be used to diversify risk. Create a diversified portfolio that takes into account your risk preference, investment horizon, and long-term objectives. However, financial counselors caution that it is not always best to buy and hold when attempting to develop a diverse portfolio. While your asset allocation might remain unchanged, your underlying assets might require rebalancing.

Quality becomes increasingly crucial for both equity and fixed income investments during periods of rising inflation. The counselor recommends against trying to time the market and instead maintaining a diversified portfolio over time.

Equities (stocks) have been an excellent inflation hedge for a long time. This is because, as prices rise with inflation, companies' profits rise along with them, increasing the value of their stock. Keep in mind that investing in the stock market is not without its own risks, so diversifying your holdings is essential.

Invest in Real Assets

Real assets, such as land and commodities, are more resistant to inflation than paper investments. Rental properties, like other types of real estate investments, not only increase in value over time but also produce income from tenants' rent payments. Properties appreciate in value during periods of inflation, allowing landlords to raise rents to cover rising costs. Additional protection of these assets ensures they thrive in times of lawsuits and claims.

Consider Attorney Blake Harris, to help guide your options such as irrevocable trusts, offshore trusts, limited liability companies, and equity stripping can be used to safeguard real estate investments and primary residences alike. If you are found liable in a commercial or civil action, you could lose more than simply money and assets.

Gold, silver, and oil have all been used as inflation hedges in the past. These real items are valuable during times of inflation because of their scarcity and inherent worth. When inflation is high, gold and other precious metals are sought after as safe haven investments.

Adjust Your Spending Habits

Investments aren't the only thing hit by inflation; living costs do, too. Modifying one's spending habits can be an effective weapon against inflation. Start by making a spending plan that allows for inflation. Find the extra costs that you can do without or drastically reduce. Prioritize the most important purchases and look for less expensive substitutes. You can save even more money by using coupons, waiting for sales, and purchasing store-brand or generic alternatives. Using these methods, you can protect your purchasing power and lessen the effect that inflation has on your regular expenses.

Invest in Inflation-Protected Securities

Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are issued by governments to provide a hedge against inflation. Both the principal and interest payments on TIPS bonds are indexed to the rate of inflation. Investing in TIPS can help you keep more of your hard-earned money even as prices rise due to inflation.

In times of high inflation, Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS) can be a reliable and secure investment option. U.S. government bonds are a safe bet for those looking to invest cautiously. Keep in mind, though, that the returns on TIPS might not measure up to the returns on riskier investments.

Increase Your Income

Increasing your income is one way to protect yourself from inflation. Think about expanding your current line of work or starting a side business to increase your income. Wage increases are crucial to preserving purchasing power in the face of rising prices.

Stocks and bonds that pay dividends are other investment options. These investments generate consistent income, which can be used to keep up with cost of living increases. Stocks that pay dividends are attractive because they can generate income while also increasing in value.

After you increase your income, setting aside an emergency fund is critical. Planners advise beginning any financial "build," but especially during periods of sustained inflation, with an emergency reserve. The counselor also suggests taking many steps to set aside emergency funds, so that the money isn't sitting in a place where it will gradually lose value over time.

Ensure you take stock of your financial situation with a budget sheet, figuring out your regular outlays, and then saving up enough money to cover your bills for three to six months. Even though the interest rates on these accounts aren't particularly high (unless you look into high-yield savings accounts online), it's still crucial to have these funds on hand in case of an emergency or a forthcoming large purchase. After that, you can invest the rest of your savings in safe vehicles like fixed-income funds or certificates of deposit (CDs).

Advocate for Sound Government Policies

Monetary and fiscal policy decisions made by the government can have an effect on inflation. One systemic approach to fighting inflation is to advocate for policies that support price stability and good economic management.

Inflation can be managed in large part through monetary policies like interest rate and money supply control. Stabilizing prices requires central banks to keep to a policy of fiscal restraint. Government spending and taxation are examples of fiscal policies that can have an effect on prices. Inflationary pressures can be mitigated through prudent fiscal management.


Inflation is a constant threat to your financial security because it reduces the purchasing power of your currency. You can protect your finances from the effects of inflation by increasing your income, advocating for fiscally responsible policies at the government level, increasing your spending discipline, diversifying your portfolio, and allocating more of your resources to real assets. Keep in mind that the most effective way to safeguard your wealth in an inflationary environment is to employ a mix of these strategies. 

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