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Hunting for Alpha Using Supervised Machine Learning and Global Macro Analysis.
Contributor's Links: Waters Technology
Pej Hamidi is the founder of Alpha Insights LLC and a co-founder of the Penseur Fund, specializing in high capacity equity portfolios that are uncorrelated to the broad benchmarks. While the majority of Pej's running models are quantitative long/short portfolios, he has agreed to share some of his ...more

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A Better Way To Short Volatility
Buying put options in VXX has a superior risk to reward profile compared to shorting VXX shares by limiting risk and providing positive vega exposure.
Yellow Flag Is Up Cautioning MOMO Traders - Dow Divergence In Momentum Cause For Defensive Posture
Deteriorating market internals are a clear warning of slowing momentum, suggesting caution would be prudent. Cheap OTM puts and maybe take a little off the table perhaps?
Drowning In Cash From The Perfect Storm
Northern Oil & Gas gets everything to line up in their favor, creating a tsunami of cash which becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.
Upwork: Substantial Upside Opportunity In Workforce Mobility
Upwork went public on October 3, 2018, just before the stock market went through a major dive. Following a high on March 1, this pullback offers a solid entry for a company with substantial opportunity and compelling value proposition.
How To Read Tea Leaves - The FOMC And Policy Communication
There is confusing macro outlook as US dollar strengthens, and Euro weakens. The weakness in crude oil also creates a lot of noise for investors. FOMC minutes suggest the Fed is guiding rates using statements rather than changing policy.
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