Mark Borkowski | TalkMarkets | Page 1
President, Mercantile Mergers & Acquisitions Corp
Mark was a co-founder president of a manufacturing automation company after leaving Hewlett-Packard in a management capacity in 1985. The partners bought out his interests in 1987. Mark founded Mercantile and operates the business on a day to day basis. Specialties: Mercantile focuses ...more


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An Open Letter To Prime Minister Trudeau
Mr. Trudeau, you had made a mess of Canada. It is time for you to go.
Would You Accept A Bar-Code Implant? Wall Street Firms Want To Keep Track Of Their Employees
In a perfect world, universal implantation of the implantable microchip radio frequency identification device (RFID) is activated by a chip reader.
Crony Capitalism
It’s time we acknowledged the difference between the free market, which is based on freedom and competition, and crony capitalism, which is based on privilege. Adam Smith knew the difference — and chose the free-market.
Unions Are One Of Our Key Tumors In This Cancerous Economy
The Unions do not seem to get it. Even companies like Del Monte have stopped growing Hawaiian Pineapples. Over 900 unionized jobs have started to be eliminated after the next growing season. Cheaper to get it somewhere else with non-union labor.
What's That You Say - They're Looking For My Replacement?
Imagine you are the General Manager of a company and your current employee isn’t working out. What should you do? Terminate him immediately, or surreptitiously look for his replacement before letting him go? Here are the pros and cons...
Choosing The Right Financial Partner When Selling Your Business
A business owner who is considering selling their company, or an operating manager seeking to acquire a business for the first time, will likely view “private equity” firms as a possible partner in these sorts of transactions.
Practical Suggestions For A Successful M&A
Interview with Hugh Latif as he discusses his new book, Maverick Leadership.
Inventory Management: Technology And Returnable Asset Tracking
The enterprise’s independent auditor must attest to, and report on, management's assertion regarding financial controls.
Trump’s Tin Foil Hat
In 2016 author Mike Verge created the concept of the ‘Tin Foil Hat Society on Deflation’, the study of how deflation affects the world on a global basis.
Expert Advice On Protecting Your Business’s Future With A Buy/sell Agreement
A buy/sell agreement formalizes – in advance – the decisions of the owners about the best course of action if one of them leaves the business.
Financial Freedom
No one is handed freedom on a silver platter. You must make your own freedom. If someone hands it to you, it is not freedom at all, but the alms of a benefactor who will invariably ask a price of you in return.
“Grow Old Along With Me, The Best Is Yet To Be, The Last For Which The First Was Made”.
The peculiar pathos of retirement is that we are stripped of the titles, positions, and associations that gave us at least some of our identity. Naked of titles, we become “has-beens”. Naked, we step into a new life that must be created.
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