Eric Basmajian is an economic analyst providing analysis on macroeconomic trends both domestically and globally. Marrying a diverse background, with a degree in economics and experience at a quantitative hedge fund, Eric has developed a unique methodology to forecast major economic inflection ...
more Eric Basmajian is an economic analyst providing analysis on macroeconomic trends both domestically and globally. Marrying a diverse background, with a degree in economics and experience at a quantitative hedge fund, Eric has developed a unique methodology to forecast major economic inflection points. Eric holds a bachelor's degree in economics from New York University. Eric started on the buy-side of the financial sector, as an analyst with Panorama Partners, a quantitative hedge fund specializing in algorithmically scanning for mispriced equity derivatives. Marrying a diverse background in economics and experience with quantitative analysis, Eric developed unique methods to quantitatively monitor major economic trends. Eric provides easy to understand economic analysis across three distinct time durations. By focusing on the 12-36 month growth rate cycle, the 6-10 year business cycle and the 10+ year secular trends, as well as the relationship between these forces, Eric provides some of the most comprehensive analysis on major macro trends available. This differentiated style of analysis, in its easy to digest format, has allowed Eric to become the #1 most read economics contributor on Seeking Alpha. Eric also runs a premium research service,
EPB Macro Research.
EPB Macro Research: uses macroeconomic analysis to create an easily replicable portfolio of ETFs, specifically designed to limit drawdowns, reduce volatility and improve total return over a long-term time horizon.
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