Video content of Eric Basmajian | TalkMarkets
Founder & Editor at EPB Macro Research
Contributor's Links: EPB Macro Research
Eric Basmajian is an economic analyst providing analysis on macroeconomic trends both domestically and globally. Marrying a diverse background, with a degree in economics and experience at a quantitative hedge fund, Eric has developed a unique methodology to forecast major economic inflection ...more


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1 to 16 of 20 Posts
Chart Of The Week: Corporate Profit Margins
A look at the trends in corporate profit margins during past business cycle recessions.
Chart Of The Week: Cyclical GDP
A look at the trends in Cyclical GDP vs. Non-Cyclical GDP.
Chart Of The Week: Residential Housing Construction
A look at the path of residential housing construction in the United States and the differences between the single-family and multi-family markets.
Chart Of The Week: Leading Vs. Coincident Employment
A look at the progression of the Leading and Coincident Indexes of employment relative to past Business Cycles.
This "Rule" Only Triggers Before A Recession
Exploring the Sahm Rule, a key recession indicator by economist Claudia Sahm signals economic downturns when the unemployment rate's 3-month average rises by over 0.5%.
Why This "Perfect Downtrend" Won't Go Away
A discussion about the alarming trend of declining interest rates and its impact on the economy.
These States Are In A Recession
When it comes to gauging the economy's movement into or out of a recession, it's important to understand that it's a gradual process rather than an abrupt event.
Why This Curve Predicts Every Recession
A look at the historical significance of the 10YR3M spread, highlighting its accuracy in predicting economic downturns.
These Banks Are Next...
A discussion about the underlying problems impacting the sector and the imminent risk of further bank failures.
Don't Ignore This Recession Warning
The US economy has become less cyclical over the last several decades due to the shrinking share of construction and manufacturing jobs and an increase in service sector jobs.
How To Predict A Recession
Timing and predicting recessions is an important task, not only for traders looking to make a profit but also for policymakers looking to correctly time stimulus measures.
Why The 2023 Banking Crisis Is Just Getting Started
A look at the root cause of the issues plaguing the US banking sector and why more institutions are likely to fail in the coming months.
My Final Thoughts On The Coming Recession
Construction employment is a significant driver of recessions in the US economy. Job losses almost always begin in the construction sector because it’s a very boom-bust industry.
The Real Reason Home Prices Are Crashing
A discussion about why most of the market was unable to predict the current 2023 housing crash and how this housing meltdown could continue to unfold into the rest of 2023.
Yup, It's Coming
The US economy is under a crushing debt burden. Total debt in the US economy is more than 350% of GDP.
Why A 2023 Recession Hasn't Started Yet
A look at how to analyze the GDP report and see if the economy is heading into recession in 2023.
1 to 16 of 20 Posts