Rally Starting Soon

Cutout paper illustration representing scheme and Stocks inscription

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SPX Monitoring purposes; Long SPX on 1/27/25 at 6012.28.

Our gain 1/1/24 to 12/31/24 = 29.28%; SPX gain 23.67%

Our Gain 1/1/23 to 12/31/23 SPX= 28.12%; SPX gain 23.38%

Monitoring purposes GOLD:Long GDX on 10/9/20 at 40.78.

We ended up 29.28% for 2024; SPX up 23.67% for the year. We shaded in light blue where the TRIN closes came in near 1.20 and higher, which suggests that panic is present at those levels in the market and panic only forms near bottoms. It appears with the panic TRIN closes grouping between 582 to 600 SPY range, a large support area has developed. Seasonality has turned bullish and last into Mid February. The TRIN closes are at high levels near current prices suggesting support. Should see rally starting soon. Long SPX on 1/27/25 at 6012.28.

The bottom wind window is the “Zweig Breadth Thrust indicator” (ZBT). The components are NYSE Advancing/NYSE Total with a 10 day average. A ZBT is triggered when the ratio drops to .40 or lower (current setup reached .41 and close enough) and than rallies to .60 or higher within 10 days.Current setup went from .41 to .61 in 6 days.It is said that ZBT only show up in bull markets. ZBT also produce supports areas (note on chart above).Since a ZBT has been triggered it suggests a bull market is present.

Top window is the monthly GDX and below that is the monthly GDX cumulative advance/decline with its Bollinger band and below that is the monthly GDX cumulative up down volume with its Bollinger band. Bullish signals are triggered when both indicators close above their mid Bollinger bands and bearish signals triggered when both indicators close below their mid Bollinger bands. We shaded in light green the bullish period and light pink in bearish periods. The last signal come in May 2024 which was a bullish signal.Signal of this type last 1 ½ year to 4 years. Current bullish signal should last into November 2025 at a minimum but could extend to May 2028.

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Signals are provided as general information only and are not investment recommendations. You are responsible for your own investment decisions. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. ...

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