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Disclaimer: Neither TheoTrade or any of its officers, directors, employees, other personnel, representatives, agents or independent contractors is, in such capacities, a licensed financial adviser, registered investment adviser, registered broker-dealer or FINRA|SIPC|NFA-member firm. TheoTrade does not provide investment or financial advice or make investment recommendations. TheoTrade is not in the business of transacting trades, nor does TheoTrade agree to direct your brokerage accounts or give trading advice tailored to your particular situation. Nothing contained in our content constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, or endorsement of any particular security, other investment product, transaction or investment.
So will things be held together or will they fall apart? And if things fall apart, will any lessons be learned? It is certainly unhappy to see those in a position to solve a problem instead take actions that did not work the previous thirty times, or so. The only way to benefit from failure is to learn from it, and the only way to avoid repeating failure is to not make the same errors again. Surely others should see that also, it can not be that all others are unseeing, can it?
So will things be held together or will they fall apart? And if things fall apart, will any lessons be learned? It is certainly unhappy to see those in a position to solve a problem instead take actions that did not work the previous thirty times, or so. The only way to benefit from failure is to learn from it, and the only way to avoid repeating failure is to not make the same errors again. Surely others should see that also, it can not be that all others are unseeing, can it?