How To Make Money In This Bear Market

Bear Market

As a card-carrying self-appointed value investor, I relish a bear market and quite frankly recessions. To the astute and disciplined value investor, bear markets bring opportunity, and more to the point, safety. In this video, I will illustrate why I feel this way and why I believe you should as well. There is a secret to making money in bear markets, and I will reveal that as well. Moreover, this will be part 1 of a 3 part series. In this part 1, I establish the rationale behind what many may think are the outlandish statements I made in paragraph 1. In parts 2 and 3, I plan to offer clear examples of significant opportunities to invest in today. Finally, in addition to these opportunities I will be showcasing in part 2 and 3, investors should be prepared to see many more opportunities unfolding before their very eyes.

In closing, I feel it is also important to point out that value investing is not about timing the market or trying to pick bottoms. Instead, value investing is about prudently positioning your portfolio for the long run in such a way as to enhance your returns while simultaneously reducing your risk. Hopefully, these videos can help many of you learn to look forward to bear markets as I do.

Bear Market

Video Length: 00:24:04

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Disclosure: Long AMGN, HD, JNJ, LEG, LMT, LOW, MMM, MCK, ABBV, MO, SNA, SWK, TROW, ABC, CMI, AMP, JPM at the time of writing.

Disclaimer: The opinions in this article are for informational and ...

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