Instantaneous Inflation: Headline, Core, Supercore For CPI, PPI, HICP
Image Source: Pexels
Data available as of today, first for headline:
Figure 1: Instantaneous inflation for CPI (blue), PCE deflator (tan), HICP (green), and PPI (red), per Eeckhout (2023), T=12, a=4. Source: BLS, BEA via FRED, and author’s calculations.
And over the same time period, core measures using the same vertical scale:
Figure 2: Instantaneous inflation for core CPI (blue), core PCE deflator (tan), supercore CPI (green), PPI core (red), per Eeckhout (2023), T=12, a=4. Source: BLS, BEA via FRED, BLS, Cleveland Fed, and author’s calculations.
Note that these data pertain to pre-tariff prices.
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