How To Make Yourself Stand Out At A Trade Show
Trade shows are a great way of meeting other people in your industry and getting your name out there but often these events are flooded with people selling similar things. In order to stand out at a trade show and encourage people to buy into your business, there are some measures that you can take. In this article, we are going to take you through some of these things so keep reading if you’d like to find out more.
Greet People
At a trade show, people are constantly walking by to see what is on offer. If you want to stand out and have people remember your booth, you need to think about greeting every single person that walks by. Only talking to people who stop to talk to you is not going to cut it, you need to make yourself present and show confidence. Like most people you won’t be able to speak to every single person but putting on friendly gestures such as a smile or a nod will help make everything a lot easier. As long as you show some confidence, they might be more willing to stop and have a chat.
Get A Nice Display
At a trade show, most of the stands are going to look the same and so it is very hard to stand out. This is why you should try to ensure that your display looks as eye-catching and appealing as possible to any passers-by. To achieve this, you should utilise prominent imagery that helps emphasise your product or brand in the form of banners or pop up stands like these. Using this form of display, you will be able to provide quick information about your company and those passing by will be able to get a glimpse on what you are about right away. Make sure that your display hits the right boxes; it looks good but not over the top or nonsensical, if you want to stand out at a trade show.
Give Out Prizes
Everyone loves to get something for free so if you want to stand out at your next trade show then you should think about giving out some prizes. Consider what sort of competitions might be relevant to your business and think about giving away prizes that involve the product or service that you are selling. You could have photo contest loosely related to your business or product line or possibly a prize draw for people who sign up to your mailing list. The bigger the better so make sure to try out a fun competition for your next trade show.
Post On Social Media
If you want people to come to your booth at a trade show you need to think about posting about your location on social media. This will give people more information about where you are, and they will be more likely to come and visit your booth. If you wanted to take it one step further, you could let people know about your competition or a giveaway that you are doing on social media. The more that you advertise your position at the trade show, the more people you will get to come and visit your stand.
Final Thoughts
It’s not always easy to make your company stand out at a trade show as often the other companies that are there will be offering the same things to the other guests. Think about how you can make your booth stand out by getting some banners or even doing a prize giveaway. Try to be pleasant to everyone that walks by and show that you are willing to talk to people. If you take on board all of our advice, then you should be able to have a very successful trade show.
Disclaimer: The posts I write and share is purely for informational and entertainment purposes and I am not, nor claim to be a financial expert of any kind. Please make your own decisions on ...
I once spent thousands to have a presence at a Trade Show for my startup. Bought a nice banner, had a nice giveaway, just like you suggested. The problem is, my thousands paled in comparison to the hundreds of thousands the bigger companies spent for their super fancy booths and giveaways. It left me down right embarrassed.