Globanomics Summarized

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Image source: Pixabay

Starting out, you must understand that in Globanomics the world is divided up into "eight unique" national alliance groups.  Those eight groups follow (with some minor details still to be worked out).

1.  A North American Alliance that includes all of North America, Oceana, and the United Kingdom

2. A European Alliance that includes Russia as part of the European Union

3. A Chinese Alliance that includes Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong

4. An India Alliance (by itself, with possibly some small additions)

5. An Other Asia Pacific Alliance (South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc.)

6. A Middle East Alliance that includes Israel and the Arab nations (with possibly some ofther small additions)

7. An African Alliance

8..A South American alliance

Every nation will belong to a single alliance group.  The responsibility of each of the Alliance Groups is to see that the needs of the people within their alliance are being met.  These needs are specific and will be monitored and evaluated on an annual basis.  Here is a list of those needs:

1. Food

2. Water

3. Shelter

4. Health Care and Sanitation

5. Safety

6. Economic Development

7. Education

8. Energy Production/Use

9.  Infrastructure

10. Degree of Freedom

11.  World Status

12.  Scientific Development

13.  Creative Arts Development

Every one of the Eight Global Alliance Groups has work to do when it comes to meeting the above needs.  Every flocking one of the Eight Alliance Groups.  So, instead of looking at something like gdp/capita as your most vital statistic you begin start putting things into more "human terms" like:

  1. Average years of education of an individual within an alliance group
  2. Average life spans, average number of doctor visitations, etc., etc., etc., etc.
  3. Scientific papers written (and certified credentially in some weighted manner regarding the value of the scientific paper)
  4. Average calories consumed by an individual

Do you get the picture?  Focus on needs within and work on those and quit fussing on issues outside of your alliance.  Globanomics will take care of everything else.

And this is how Globanomics will go about doing that.  It will set up a Global Stock Market Board that works under essentially one premise:

And that premise is this:  The North American Alliance Group is limited to 49.99% of the total global market value "at all times--from now on until eternity".

You kind of have to put your mathematical or scientific hat on for a moment, but what the above means is this: once globanomics is implemented the North American Alliance Group (as currently defined) will forever and ever maintain a portfolio that includes 49.99% of the investment pool in the total global market place.

Two things that you need to know about the above:

One.  The North American Alliance Group currently controls a portfolio that includes about 65% of the total global market valuation, which means that there is actually a 15% Peace Premium that must be shifted away from the North American Alliance Group to the other "seven Alliance Groups".  I will talk more about that in a minute.

Two.  How can you be sure that the North American Alliance Group will never drop below 49.99%?  Artificial intelligence, folks.  You monitor the stock market board and its movements, including even the most intricate of "funny movements going on within the competition".  If you have 49.99% control to start with, there is absolutely no mathematical reason for you drop below that number when the other 50.01% is dispersed and will never be as unified in their decision processes as the leader.

I am going to end this shortly because i think the above does a pretty fair job of laying the basics out.  But here are a couple more points you should understand.

Alliance Groups outside of the North American Alliance will have to "pay" for the share of the Peace Premium they want.  That payment comes to the stockholders of the entity that was transferred.  Get that.  This is not a giveaway.  What it is, is a way to increase global involvement throughout the world and not just limit it to the fucking United States (or North American Alliance).

One you get to the 49.99% level, you may see some small shifts in different alliance groups share of the 50.01%, but I can guarantee you that even a small shift will have to be hard earned.

Although i have not actually done the math myself, i think in fact over time, the North American Alliance Group would control a broadly diverse portfolio that covers the "most important 49.99% of the total global market value.  In fact, i think the North American Alliance would have the top 49.99% of the Global Marketplace--almost like they were able to choose their entire 49.99% before the other side had any choice in the matter.  

You might want to give that last statement some thought because that is the way AI will drive the marketplace.  It won't matter.  What is important is to have a share of "investments" that help you meet your alliance group needs.  Go figure.

Globanomics essentially is a Global Economic Engine that drives productivity throughout the world while monitoring to see that progress is being made on the general population needs front in every fucking alliance, nation, and another type of group.

And for that reason, this would be a good time for someone with at least a bit of credibility to introduce a book called Globanomics to the fucking American people.

You could go to the top of this post and hit the link to the book called Globanomics.  It will take you to my supplier who will offer you three options: one--a paperback (for under ten dollars); a digital Kindle version (less than three dollars for non-prime Amazon users--btw, a nice feature about this particular option is in the appendix, it offers links to several of the writings that helped me get to where I got with globanomics), a third option is just to get for free using your Amazon Prime Kindle option.  Go figure.  I don't make much money any way you cut it, so you shouldn't worry about that.

More By This Author:

The Answer To Globalization - Globanomics
Globalization - Why The U.S. Has Clearly Profited The Most
Who Profited Most From Globalization - There Is Only One Answer

Disclosure: No positions.

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