Dealing With “Nerves” And Developing An Internal Process For Optimal Trading Performance

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In this video, I look at how to deal with nerves or anxiety about outcomes while trading. How to adapt to market conditions and one's current mental state/skill level are also discussed. Then, I look at how we need to move from an outcome-focus to a process-focus, how to do that, and ideas on how to build your own process.

I recorded this video after feeling a lot of nerves in a golf tournament. Every time I went to hit a shot I felt anxious, like I couldn’t miss, and of course that tightened me and I couldn’t swing my best. I still played decently, but not as good as I needed to advance.

So, that night, I sat and thought about what was making me nervous in tournaments. I drew on my trading experience for answers. And what I found is applicable to trading as well. You may have wondered why it is different trading a demo account versus a live account. Sure, real money is on the line, but what changed in your mental state that makes live trading harder?

You’re about to find out.


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Note: This video features promotional/advertising material.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is personal investment advice, or advice to buy or sell anything. Trading is risky and can ...

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