Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - A Whiff Of Bullishness - CPI Tomorrow

Stocks caught a whiff of bullishness and rallied hard into the close.

The VIX was largely unchanged.

The Dollar was unchanged.

Gold was unchanged, while silver edged a little lower.

The market has its eyes on the CPI data tomorrow morning.

The stock bullies are chomping at the bit it seems.

Everyone else, not so much.

I have no special insights. Let's see what happens.

Have a pleasant evening.

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More By This Author:

Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - Waiting For The CPI Report
Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - CPI Thursday Morning
Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Shameless - And the Band Played On

Disclaimer: These are personal observations about the economy and the markets. In providing information, I hope this allows you to make your own decisions in an informed manner, even if it is from ...

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