AgMaster Report - Tuesday, March, 12


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The March WASDE issued Friday at 11 am was considered neutral/negative with US stocks higher, Global stocks lower and Brazilian Bean estimates higher! While the report was a ho-hummer, the mkt’s reaction was certainly not with a 20 cent higher close to the highest level in 3 weeks! Conventional wisdom states that the bearish fundamentals (higher stocks & slack exports) were already “in” the mkt – by virtue of the $3.00 break (1420-1120) since November! As well, Brazil is still dry & the ultra-warm winter could portend a “hot & dry” Summer in the US! And the US Dollar looks to be trending lower with the Fed suggesting 2-3 rate cuts this year! Finally, a $10 rally in crude bodes well for biodiesel demand! A sharply higher mkt off a neutral report is always a welcome harbinger!


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Despite the neutral USDA Report on Friday, May Corn was able to maintain its 30-cent rally on Friday’s close! A plethora of positive factors enabled this impressive mkt action including – cheapness (coming off $4.00), Exports – up 35% over 2023, technical – charts key reversed up, weather – a very warm winter might extend to summer & predicted corn acres are running 3-4 mill acres under last year! The real headscratcher from Friday is the USDA’s stubborn refusal to bring down their Brazil Bean estimate – 155mmt – closer to Conab’s 145mmt! Exports are starting to flow with occasional corn sales to Mexico! the report everyone is waiting for comes on Thursday, March 28 at 11 am – the Quarterly Stocks & Acreage Report!


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“It looked so bad it was good” is an old commodity cliché that may well apply to all 3 wht contracts this morning – Minneapolis, Kansas City & Chicago! CBOT Wht has rallied interday 25 cents after starting lower after the 3rd consecutive Chinese cancellation of a US wht order, non-threatening weather for US & Russian wht crops & a sluggish export pace! This kind of mkt action often signals a low – but its perilous to predict that in a mkt that seemingly has no low! But maybe with the help of it sister mkt’s corn & bean rallies, wht is finally carving out a low! We’ll know later in the week! Certainly, no one is disputing the fact that wht prices are already plenty cheap enough!


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April Cattle is real enigma! Take Friday’s action for instance! The mkt made new highs Inter-day – then key reversed to close lower – despite very tight supplies & cash cattle mkt up $2.00 for the week! But all it’s done since mid-December is go up or consolidate within $2-3 off its recent highs! The tight supplies & expected solid demand into the Easter weekend 3-30/3-31 will most certainly extend this trading pattern!


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April Hogs are not blessed with the bullish fundamentals of its “sister mkt” April Cattle – whose very tight supplies continually underpin the mkt! The April Hog contract has corrected $5.00 (88.50-83.50) due to a large net long position partially liquidating as support levels are violated & a lower slaughter rate -suggesting a slowdown in packer demand! However, the USDA pork cut-out Mon was up $1.40! And with the Easter Holiday (3-31-24) & the grilling season fast approaching, we feel demand will grab this mkt & push it back up to its early March highs!

More By This Author:

AgMaster Report - Monday, Feb. 5
AgMaster Report - Wednesday, Jan. 31
AgMaster Report - Wednesday, Jan. 17

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Dan Jackson 1 year ago Member's comment

Why were today's numbers of grains unchanged?