Coronavirus And The Empty Chocolate Factory

Coronavirus continues to expose the Republican Administration. With some Republican supporters still believing that the Coronavirus or reasons to worry about it are hoaxes, suddenly the party leaders are coming in contact with the live virus. I intend to discuss the Fed and my trip to a chocolate factory, but really, the Republican leadership is in a world of hurt.

Republican SenatorTed Cruz is self quarantined. He shook hands with a carrier of the virus. CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, had infected people in attendance. Even Donald Trump shook hands with the CPAC CEO who was exposed to a Coronavirus victim. Vice President Pence attended the conference as well as other Republican leaders.

The lack of test kits are undermining the US economy. When the Swine Flu attacked China last decade, President Obama was do nothing, though more honest than Trump, and got lucky as it was not as serious in the USA. There is a good chance that this virus is more powerful and contagious as a combination. If that is true in the face of no test kits, people will work from home and fly less. This could do more damage to the oil markets which are facing a meltdown from lack of demand already from China and elsewhere.

My Visit to the Ethel M Chocolate Factory

My family went to the fan-favorite Ethel M Chocolate factory the other night. There were 7 customers there, three of us and four others. No tour buses were there. It was so quiet. It was on a Friday night. Airplanes should have been screaming over Ethel M headed to the Las Vegas airport. But there was just a trickle of aircraft. As we got close to home we can look back and see the usual line airplanes hanging in the sky waiting to land. There were only two visible airplanes.

It just seems like common sense that people aren't going to fly unless both these become true: 

1. The cases seem weak and the spread of them slows down naturally.

2. There are enough tests to start really testing on a very large basis.

The Republicans administration simply wants to test little and trust the numbers. Nobody is falling for that. if 2 is not implemented, 1 means nothing! 

Now we have 4 cases of the virus in Nevada, two in Reno and two in Las Vegas. The latest Reno fellow went to Santa Clara. That was it. Do you wonder how many untested and infected people are walking around Silicon Valley? 

Advertising Was Down Big in 2008.

Remember how advertising Was Down in 2008? Well, Forbes recently said don't stop advertising in a recession. The author did not anticipate a Coronavirus based recession. If everyone stays home, airline advertising will continue to drop. Advertising for restaurants, and hotels, and for so many venues where people can use disposable income will drop. In a pandemic, disposable income will stop being disposable. 

Russians, Saudis, and Oil

Meanwhile, the oil market is in a price war due to this lack of demand that the Republican administration is not fixing. Of course, it cannot fix China or Europe's demand, although it could truce with both regions regarding tariff wars and threats. 

Demand could increase where adequate testing and declining cases are shown to the American people by medical experts, but it is clear that Donald Trump wants to shut up scientists and play down the numbers. It is clear that he wants to keep numbers down by artificial means, by keeping cruise ship folks on the ships and by simply not testing people. 

Is it wise to keep these folks on the ships? I don't know. Is it reassuring to Americans that we are told we are supposedly testing enough to assure the American people? Absolutely not! Our most expensive health system in the world must be a laughingstock with lack of test kits. 

Fracking and shale oil have brought the United States back into the oil markets. These new extraction techniques have disrupted the markets, with the United States taking shares normally reserved for Russia and Saudi Arabia. Both these nations want the US out of the oil market. But they also generally cannot push prices down low enough to get US producers to exit. They seem to always bounce back. 

How serious will these two nations be this time? They know that the US oil markets are financed in part by junk bonds. They have the power to crush those bonds. As the FT says, energy companies issue 11 percent of those junk bonds. The bonds are now worth far less than what investors paid for them. If investors are also invested in the Stock Market, they have to sell stocks to cover speculation on the bonds. 

BBB bonds in retail and elsewhere were already in trouble, being close to junk. Junk bonds could just be the tip of the iceberg if poor quality bond and stock sales create panic. 

The Saudis could rethink the oil price war. Or this could be an opportunity too easy to pass up, a chance to show the USA that the Saudis are in charge for now.

Federal Reserve Bank Reflation

The Fed will be wanting to reflate asset prices that are already clearly in a bubble. It will just make the American divide worse. It seems deflationary to me unless the virus is contained. Scott Sumner wants the Fed to start buying non-financials, like property maybe?  It is a save the wealthy plan. I get it. But it hurts a lot of working people who want to catch a break. It could not work if the virus is not contained. It could be a total waste of the Fed's balance sheet expansion in that scenario. 

People expect big things from the Fed. But really, this could be the perfect time for real helicopter money. If disposable income is no longer disposable, citizens need more money to free up some for disposable use. What a perfect time for helicopter money. 

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Disclosure: I have no financial interest in any companies or industries mentioned. I am not an investment counselor nor am I an attorney so my views are not to be considered investment ...

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Gary Anderson 5 years ago Contributor's comment

Update 4: Over 1/2 of the Coronavirus cases are in 10 counties. Shut and wall off those counties. Other places should be allowed to get back to work fairly soon. Maybe 2 weeks for the majority of the nation.

Gary Anderson 5 years ago Contributor's comment

Update 3: After pondering stats and experience in Las Vegas for a week, I think the doomers are overreacting. There are few deaths in any state but Washington state. The virus is weaker than predicted here in the USA.

Ayelet Wolf 5 years ago Member's comment

It's interesting that the death rate does seem to vary greatly by location. In Italy I read it's now over 7%, quite high with nearly 400 deaths per day, though admittedly they do have a large percentage of elderly. It's higher in Iran as well, possibly due to an inferior medical system.

Tracey Reynolds 5 years ago Member's comment

I am unclear if the #coronavirus is actually contagious during the incubation period. If so, I would think it is impossible to stop. But I've read conflicting information about this and can't seem to get a straight answer. Do you know?

Gary Anderson 5 years ago Contributor's comment

I don't know, Tracey. I think it is extremely powerful and dangerous. Trump has a handful of test kits. We are not prepared. I think it would stop by containing clusters and by eliminating group interactions. China did this. But who knows? The US is a sitting duck without test kits.

Gary Anderson 5 years ago Contributor's comment

Update 2: NBA stops season. Tom Hanks has Coronavirus. Trump stopped flights from Europe. I think flights should be banned for at least a month in the USA. Trump must now know that this virus is more dangerous than the flu, especially if it clusters. He has been lying about it for two weeks. America does not have enough test kits. Only 5000 out of over 300 million tested!

Angry Old Lady 5 years ago Member's comment

#Coronavirus cases in the US have now shot up to over 1,000. It may look like China here before we know it.

Gary Anderson 5 years ago Contributor's comment

A company in Seattle was testing for the flu. It offered to retest for Coronavirus and was forbidden from doing so. The people who blocked this company should be criminally responsible.

Wendell Brown 5 years ago Member's comment

A little fear is a good thing - the more people who stay home, the less the virus will spread and the easier it will be to contain. However, the economy will suffer greatly as a result.

Doug Morris 5 years ago Member's comment

True, but there are some industries that will benefit of course. But overall, the economy will suffer. But like all things, this too shall pass.

Norman Mogil 5 years ago Contributor's comment

I agree that we should seriously consider helicopter money. This has always been the last resort deflationary world and it appears that we are heading in that direction.

Dick Kaplan 5 years ago Member's comment

Yes, you are right Norman.

Angry Old Lady 5 years ago Member's comment

#Trump keeps pretending the #coronavirus is no big deal. I just read that Congressman Matt Gaetz who came into contact with coronavirus patient spent the weekend with Trump. He may find out first hand that the virus is not a hoax after all!

Gary Anderson 5 years ago Contributor's comment

We all hope the #Coronavirus would fade away. But policy can't assume that will happen. #Trump being surrounded by the virus could ultimately be helpful. Of course, he is likely worried about himself and not his rally followers.

Gary Anderson 5 years ago Contributor's comment

Update 1: Tim Seymour on CNBC Fastmoney slipped up and said that there were large cap companies with bond troubles. But then he said that he couldn't mention the companies. It is my opinion that CNBC is not your friend, working to restore confidence when people need the whole story. While I doubt that each trader on the show is the voice of CNBC, that company should address this situation and tell us which companies are drowning in debt. CNBC needs to give investors all the info it has. This is my personal opinion.