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FEE is a non-political, non-profit, tax-exempt educational foundation. FEE strives to bring about a world in which the economic, ethical, and legal principles of a free society are familiar and credible to the rising generation. Through life-changing student seminars, free online courses, ...more


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Squatters Reveal The True State Of The Housing Market
Over the past 10 years from 2007 to 2016, average housing starts were 900,000 per year. That is grossly inadequate. That is why there is a housing shortage across the country.
What The Fight Over Capital Gains Is Really About
Why would the economy grow faster if we got fundamental reform such as the flat tax?
Listen NPR, The Market Is Already Saving PBS
NPR’s reluctance to embrace modern digital trends speaks volumes about its commitment (or lack thereof) to adjusting to market trends. How is this going to impact streamline companies?
Trump's Budget Paves The Road To Fiscal Failure
President Donald Trump has issued his preliminary federal budget proposal looking to the U.S. government’s next fiscal year. What it shows is that there will likely be no attempt to reduce the size and cost of interventionist-welfare states.
Bitcoin Upgrades Should Be Boring
One of the reasons I’m very bullish on Bitcoin is that it’s facing a lot of scaling and governance related challenges that other digital currencies won’t face for years, if ever.
The "Amazon Effect" Is Creative Destruction At Its Finest
Expect continued and very strong hurricane-strength Schumpeterian gales of innovation from the Amazon Effect, with a high likelihood of market disruption and creative destruction including more brick-and-mortar stores and jobs disappearing.
$38 Million In Tax? Donald Trump Needs A Tax Shelter
The multi-faceted controversy over Donald Trump’s taxes has been rejuvenated by a partial leak of his 2005 tax return.
How The Black Market Is Saving Two Countries From Their Governments
Ever since governments began banning and licensing different parts of the economy, the black market has made sure people still have access to the things they need. Unstable governments always turn on their own citizens using price controls.
Garbage In, Garbage Out At The Federal Reserve
The monetary matadors at the Federal Reserve have stared into the eyes of mild price inflation for years. They didn’t move a muscle for years and have finally twitched ever so slightly, a couple times in the last few months, with a promise of more.
It's Long Past Time To Cut Corporate Tax Rates
GDP today is significantly greater in part because of a better corporate tax system. The results from the most-recent round of corporate rate cuts are especially strong.
Trillions In Debt And We're Just Scratching The Surface
As the federal debt has gone from astounding to unbelievable to incomprehensible, a new problem has emerged: The US government is actually running out of places to borrow.
The Problem With India's Entrepreneurs
India is a much more entrepreneurial society than the United States. That may seem surprising since India is poor and we typically associate entrepreneurship with being rich, but it’s clearly true.
How Much Does Your State Need Foreign Trade?
Many US states, especially those that are manufacturing- or enery-intensive, are highly globalized and depend on foreign trade for a large share of their state’s economic output and jobs.
Why Americans Pay Triple The World Price For Sugar
Washington is once again massively screwing up the American sugar market. The sugar regime is back in the news thanks to a squabble over Mexican sugar imports.
The Luddites Were Wrong Then And They're Wrong Now
Technological innovation can be painful, but that over the longer term it does not necessarily come at the price of jobs or prosperity: new technology begets further innovation that creates wealth and employment in entirely unforeseeable ways.
Exports Only Matter Because They Let Us Import
The ability of producers in country A to sell goods and services to people in other countries is taken as a sign of A’s economic strength. The more export-related jobs, the better. In a nutshell, exports are intrinsically beneficial.
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