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2024 Alibaba's New Strategy: Thoughts Of A Chinese Stock Analyst
Leslie Miriam 11/24/2023 8:21:09 AM

Ms. Wang just reiterated 10-15 ST posted over the past one week. Sad that, the bears don’t look at the positives for $BABA

The “Fed Talk” Stock Market (And Sentiment Results)
Stock Picks 10/14/2022 3:46:45 PM

The 8-dollar PT report DOES NOT FACTOR IN NEW BUSINESS. The attached screenshot of my email is what you call REAL RESEARCH... What happens when SMFL gets into Costco USA? The company is already in Costco Canada. What happens if the FDA/ $PG / or Congress asks SMFL for manufacturing of Baby Formula or Milk Dust? What happens if there is a great endorsement by The Rock? An Olympian? Elon Musk (Baby Formula advocate). What happens if SMFL gets on Alibaba $BABA, they are already on Amazon in Shanghai, chosen by Amazon.

Don’t Buy BABA. It’s Not What You Think
Mike Faragut 12/21/2021 1:35:52 AM

Wwhy does $GS have 7 billion invested in $BABA?

Xi’s Big Mistake
Rob Contano 7/20/2021 1:13:44 AM

Why did we list $DIDI again since we are going to delist $BABA?

Alibaba Facing Anti-Monopoly Probe by Chinese Government
Frank Underwood 12/28/2020 6:29:23 AM

If you take it at face value this is not political retribution against $BABA, that bodes well as it is easier to fix. There is undoubtedly a power aspect to this, but there is also a strong incentive for all to strike a balance and prosper. Long and frazzled.. lol

FTSE Russell To Drop 8 Chinese Companies In Response To US Blacklist
Alpha Stockman 12/6/2020 1:18:02 PM

I don't believe this Blacklist is going to include #Alibaba. If so, this is actually bullish for $baba. More money left for them!

Impact Of The Coronavirus On American Fast Food Stocks
Alpha Stockman 2/16/2020 3:09:38 AM

How do you think $BABA will fare?

Why I Watch This Master Investor Like a Hawk
James Grover 10/4/2019 3:28:48 AM

#Google is listed as early investor, but so are #Alibaba, #Microsoft, and #Amazon. Not sure how much Google really owns, especially when prospectus says that we may compete with these same cos. Looks like NET has closer ties with Alibaba, so my impression is they aren't that connected with Google as much as article implies!


Alibaba: Buy This Stock For Growth, But Don't Expect A Dividend Soon
Harry Sinclair 7/15/2019 8:48:05 PM

Anyone who buys $BABA strictly for a dividend is nuts. The company has tremendous potential all on its own.

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