Exceptional analyst who works closely with portfolio managers to provide customized investment counseling, relying on in-depth knowledge of the industry. Manages a deep value retail portfolio that consistently beat the S&P 500 2009 - 2013. Provides personalized service, utilizing creativity, ...
Exceptional analyst who works closely with portfolio managers to provide customized investment counseling, relying on in-depth knowledge of the industry. Manages a deep value retail portfolio that consistently beat the S&P 500 2009 - 2013. Provides personalized service, utilizing creativity, insight and Excel expertise to support client success. Specializes in industrial basics and consumer/retail.
Looking to connect with Portfolio managers, traders and analysts who are trying to increase their portfolio returns while lowering overall risks.
* Provide expert valuation ranges for individual stocks and industries to help ascertain position sizing across the portfolio.
* Catalyst-driven long/short trading ideas
* Fundamental and valuation driven long-term investment ideas for hedge funds, pension funds and high-net worth accounts.
* Quant-based portfolio design
* Strong valuation skills
* My Deep Value Retail Portfolio was written up by Forbes and by a noted financial author.
*Experienced financial editor
Owner: Investment & Trading Idea Digest LinkedIn Group
Co-manager - Value Line Alums LinkedIn Group
Co-manager - Mutual Fund & Investment Jobs & Careers LinkedIn Group
Wayne Nef has a WebMii Score of 3.833: higher than 69% of people
and a world rank of: 2,053,478,414
Email: wayne@sniperresearch.com or wayne_nef@nefvalueresearch.com
Specialties: Consumer/Retail & Industrial/Basics
Catalyst-Driven trading ideas
Fundamental, Technical & Quantitative based trading & investment ideas.