Veselina Dzhingarova Blog | Taking Your Love for Tinkering with Cars to the Next Level | TalkMarkets

Veselina Dzhingarova

Co-founder of Dzhingarov and writer at TravelTipsor
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Taking Your Love for Tinkering with Cars to the Next Level

Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 9:49 AM EDT

Many people love to get under the hood and dig down until they find the root cause of the latest issue they’ve been having with their car or motorcycle. Sometimes there doesn’t even have to be any issue at hand at all – it’s just fun to tinker and experiment with boosting the performance of your ride. If this sounds like you, then you’ve probably considered the idea of setting up your own shop to do this professionally more than once. You’re not alone – and while there is a huge potential ahead of you if you’re good at this, you should also approach it with some caution.

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It’s a Tough Market

The popularity of this kind of business has made its market very competitive, especially in some areas. Don’t be surprised if it takes you a long time to get off the ground, and even then, you might find it difficult to keep your business afloat without some heavy promotional work. That’s quite normal in this line of work, and it’s something you should anticipate before you even get started. If you don’t think that you can handle the tough competition, it’s better looking into an alternative field.

Do You Have Your Finances in Order?

Funding a project like this can be a complicated ordeal as well if you’re not prepared adequately from the start. There are many ways to finance an auto shop, and some of them will work much better for you than others. It’s important to look into this factor well before you’ve even taken any steps towards setting up your shop, because it will be critical to have a good grip on your finances in your first few months of operation. Your stability will constantly be at stake, and you can’t afford to lack the finances to get through your next difficult moment.

Be Ready for Expansion

Another thing that’s important to come to terms with when you’re running an auto shop is that expanding will be inevitable at some point if you want to get to a nice income level. You can only do so much by yourself, and you’ll hit your ceiling with regards to how much work you can take on pretty fast. Be prepared to hire external help, and know how your local market looks in this regard. Hiring new workers can be a challenge on its own, but it’s something that you can’t get around if you want to run your shop properly and see it grow to a good level.

Even if you do everything right, you’ll still face a pretty big challenge until you get your shop to a stable condition. But if you really love what you do, it will be more than worth it in the end. Waking up every day with the knowledge that you’re going to do the very thing you love and get paid for it can be an amazing feeling. And it’s something that very few people can brag about having.

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