Having acquired over 20 years working experience in the financial services sector of Mauritius, Trisha is well versed in investments, actuarial science, insurance and pensions. Her pro-activeness, fluid communication skills in English and French and ability to drive, implement and adopt changes ...
Having acquired over 20 years working experience in the financial services sector of Mauritius, Trisha is well versed in investments, actuarial science, insurance and pensions. Her pro-activeness, fluid communication skills in English and French and ability to drive, implement and adopt changes have contributed to her current professional prerequisites and approaches.
Trisha joined the Surveillance Insurance and Pensions cluster of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in 2006. In her actual key position as Manager at the Supervision Pensions, she is managing and ensuring the operational implementation of the Private Pension Schemes Act (proclaimed on 1st November 2012) and the FSC Rules made thereunder.
Prior to joining the Financial Regulator, Trisha worked as an investment analyst for the financial conglomerate, British American Investment Co. (Mtius) Ltd, in Mauritius. Her challenges included; planning for investment goals, re-balancing the company’s portfolio of investments to improve diversification through selections of mutual funds, equity and fixed income investments and implementing an effective Asset Liability Management (ALM) process for the company’s (statutory) solvency requirements.
Trisha holds an MSc in International Securities, Investment and Banking from the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Centre of Henley Business School of the University of Reading, UK and a BSc Honours Actuarial Science from the University of Kent, UK.
Additional prerequisites:
Policy Reform for pensions and insurance
Private Pension Schemes Act 2012- Drafting and implementation
FSC Rules - Drafting and implementation
International Engagement- IOPS/ OECD/ World Bank Conferences and Forums
Leadership Development Programme 2013/ 2014
International Securities expertise
Investment Banking expertise
Insurance & Pensions expertise
Financial Literacy Programme
Quality Management System- Quality policy & quality objectives