Throughout my 26 year alternative investment career, encompassing equity option market making, proprietary trading, CTA/hedge fund futures options portfolio management and derivatives investment consulting- I have given and proven to be a direct access point for information, consummate leader and ...
Throughout my 26 year alternative investment career, encompassing equity option market making, proprietary trading, CTA/hedge fund futures options portfolio management and derivatives investment consulting- I have given and proven to be a direct access point for information, consummate leader and provider of systematic and discretionary strategy. The financial market dynamics which I have faced during my career on both the buy and sell side have helped to hone my quantitative research and risk management abilities.
The current financial market micro structure, fragmentary dynamics, U.S. and sovereign government debt and increasing Central Bank influence will contribute to associated dislocations across asset classes and will continue to shape our economic, political and societal living standards for decades to come. I encourage you to reach out to Derivative Strategy Consultants and let us provide you with succinct, independent market strategy and risk measurement advice.