I am a full time courier who wants to be a full time trader. If I can make it as one I can see myself traveling the world and owning a farm with a bunch of animals. I have noticed that I do not have an edge in the market and my trading process is crap. I barely have a trading plan that I wrote ...
I am a full time courier who wants to be a full time trader. If I can make it as one I can see myself traveling the world and owning a farm with a bunch of animals. I have noticed that I do not have an edge in the market and my trading process is crap. I barely have a trading plan that I wrote on the back of a napkin in some diner. I am looking to develop a business plan for my trading and to learn as many strategies as possible and use a wide web of them to trade on the markets. I am solely a discretionary trader but I also want to learn about algo trading. I love learning everything there is about the markets and everyday it continues to teach me more things about myself and the world. I hope I can be successful enough where my trading can lead to other options in being charitable and providing goodwill to others that need it.
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