Robert Smith - Comments

Robert Smith

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The 2.6 Billion Dollar Welfare Payment That The U.S. Government Gives To Wal-Mart
9 years ago

The US government, federal and state, build the roads, the infrastructure, defends the interests of Walmart, local, national and even international, and essentially supplies the education and benefits that provides Walmart with workers. Do you know Germany has no Walmarts, the only country in the Western world without Walmart, and they are serious capitalists. And why no Wlamarts there? For the reasons cited above. It is completely illogical for a government to subsidize a huge profitable corporation by paying for the education, heath and most menial standard of living of the workers of that corporation? At the very minimum a job should give people enough money to live on. Otherwise it is corporate welfare. The American people built the country, the ancestors of average Joes, shouldn't they at least get a menial standard of living and their health looked after?

In this article: WMT
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