Laurent Eliane - Comments

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Gold Price Outlook: Gold Slammed Lower On Record US Jobs Creation
4 years ago

If you look carefully, the downtrend is not due to the job market. Already days before, as soon as the NY Comex open, a slam to gold to a certain level. "They " did not want a break over 1750. Period. So 1730,....1710.....and then, big slam in order to divert the investment to..not, but Dow, Nasdaq, etc.

The manipulator need the stock exchange to be as healthy as possible even if the fundamental are NOT. It doesn't matter. Is is just a waltdisney show, a wonderland where the few will not join the street but will be able to hire body guard and weaponized assisted house. If the 10 TB is going higher, this means as well that the money does not want to go to TB. If the dollar is loosing its value, same remark.

So don't tell me we are in a complete manipulated war (economic, currencies, sanctions, etc...with little virus just as a kind of show how far we can go)....just for the investigators around, do you remember the Kim jung one NK guy said loud and clear that he will make a present for Trump in Christmas.....No connection? Just China?....

Anyway, this market is made by retail investors (same in Russia)....when the housewife is in the stockmarket,....sell (and what about the saying sell in may and go away, may was a good month..).So, no fundamental so far, just dream, great america again with re problem inside and outside than when it was Obama.....a black president, can you imagine.

In this article: GLD
Gold And The Federal Funds Rate
9 years ago

we have to remember, as said, that we are in "unchartered territories". This pseudo expansion is due to cheap money and huge liquidity injection. Manipulation, curtain of smoke...but the reality is different when the show is over. Every country which had played this way of doing end up with huge inflation and currency in the toilet. Why no USA?

In this article: GLD
This Is How Gold Acted During Past Rising Rate Cycles
9 years ago

If we take the cumulative int. rate from the time of this article, lets say a average of the 3 years TB, which is the winner. I don't take in consideration S&P or Dow J..

One thing to consider is the level of the debt of the so called richest countries (USA, Japan, Europe, GB)

and must be a concern.

For the geopolitical tension, which is different this time(hackers, terrorist with may be biol or chemical weapon, dirty bomb), should make a point for gold in coin...just in case..

The contrary wind?

Government! They will do whatever possible to keep gold down as gold is THE barometer of the confidence in a currency. Paper gold issue by the fed have never been control with the real gold detained (no audit)

Investors Start To Panic As A Global Bond Market Crash Begins
9 years ago

By article you mean my comment or the article of Mr.M Snyder. I must agree that I've made some shortcut but by reading twice (may be you have) slowly, this would help.

In summary, the currency war and low int. is a pushing the can till the real war happens. The low int. rate serves the gov. The central banks play with the politicians and the saving account pay the bill. If you are angry against your politicians/gov., they know this fact (pool) and they will divert your "bad feeling" and "violence" against a enemy. A war. Then you will have to choose a side and big restriction will apply (money transfer/control) and the situation of gold will be like we have seen once already. Nobody will be allowed to have some. Gold is a barometer of the trust in a currency. So, if we distrust the politicians and the central bank play with politicians, one day we will distrust the central bank.More deficit....more distrust till a breaking point. Can be USA, Japan or Zimbabwe.

Nobody speaks anymore of the "uncharted" water but here we are.

Investors Start To Panic As A Global Bond Market Crash Begins
9 years ago

Central banks (FED, BoJ, ECB, BoE) have played with the devil. Devil are governments which are just kids with credit cards. Pouring money made out of thin air and lowering interest rate till zero or less is a help for the biggest borrower which are unable to maintain their budget, I mean government.

You can play that till investor realize that both, government bond and currency, worth nothing. If Greece were alone (not in the euro zone), this country would have been bankrupted while ago. Some others too.

And USA doesn't have a better place neither Japan.

And when you realize that the paper you have in hand is going into a spiral of distrust, war is in the corner in order to blame the neighbor. And all the violence you would have against your politicians (see the percentage of people who trust their government with the latest pool. The lowest on record!) is diverted to an external (cause as the politicians will say) and as a time of war, you will have to choose your side. Tougher rules will limited your financial movement (see the central banks want to suppress the cash!)

ECB saw that coming as central bank are not stupid. But politicians brought us is this situation with their imbalance budget and are the only responsible for the distortion of the market that will lead in very high wave and breaker. As you said 2008 was a warm up as central banks don't have anymore black powder in their gun.

Weak Bounce Wednesday – Here We Go Again
9 years ago

USA was the first with QE....Japan followed...and after that all others have to do the same.

The same way with int. rate as no one wanted to have their currency going higher.

But when USA will collapse, the entire world will follow them.

Thanks to the bubble of subprime/Lehman brothers...

But this time, no powder in the gun and the street people will make a revolution.

The upper class know that.

S&P 500 Snapshot: A Recovery From Most Of Yesterday's Selloff
9 years ago

looks like nobody is afraid at this altitude. The free money from the fed? PIB doesn't take off...

The market is going higher as there is no alternative of getting some "money" out of the saving.

Everybody will be trapped....till some big ones decide to get out, blowing a wind of panic...

Manipulation by the fed make only the rich richer. Period.

In this article: SPX, SPY
Housing’s Tale Of Two Cities
9 years ago

As long as builders are getting free financing from the Fed....

Corporate as well, government the most....all the most indebted enjoy the free ride...

Free ride? Just a time where CEO filled their pocket, the rich getting richer, government and politicians

doesn't have to worry of borrowing...

Wonderland of thin air. Till when? Till we can blame another country from an attack...blaming and sending the poor to the butcher.

No other issue as FED doesn't have anymore powder!

Today’s CPI Lesson: The Fed’s 2% Inflation Target Is Completely Stupid
9 years ago

the massive fraud it has introduced into the American economy by purchasing $3.6 billion of government debt over the past 7 years with credits conjured out of nothing.

This is I think the point. FED, like other central banks, has become the prostitute of the government. FED doesn't care of the citizen and their saving. FED is just saving the government from a collapse due to its huge debt and the poor way politicians handle the budget.

And more we go this direction, now with the fed trapped with quite a lot of TB, there is only few way to get out of this and going back to the mission of the FED. Make the dollar keeping value for the mom and pop guys. FED has failed and, on the top of all, on purpose.

Riddle Me This: The Difference Between Headlines And Reality
9 years ago

Thanks for the article. In fact, this is always the same pattern. Since the USA has played with "increasing production through increasing the debt of household", with the same pattern with the gov. increasing the debt, there will be a point of a global default. Which one first? We had the warning with sub-primes and and lehman brother. Imagine now a second round!

Just a blip and it will give the USA the price of the reality. You cannot survive by living beyond your means!

NEVER. Deserving the "show" of having a brand new car, a house, a huge TV, etc and becoming the slave of the financial system....or making war around the world as China (and the FED!) buy TB to finance a huge deficit, one day China will stop financing this and banks will face the reality.

Then, the entire system will have to change to the one of :

Credit for consumption should be banned. Credit for investment only should be allowed.

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