I am CEO and Chief Investment Officer of ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc.
ProfitScore is an investment research firm focused on leveraging financial technology to produce quantitative based investment portfolios for institutional clients. Our real-time experience has proven that self-adjusting quant based processes lower investment risk and enhance long-term investment performance. ProfitScore works closely with financial advisors, broker dealers, mutual fund companies and other financial marketing firms to distribute our absolute return investment portfolios.
My responsibilities entail leading the firm's overall direction and focusing the firm’s research and development efforts to develop investment portfolios that meet the needs of our institutional clients.
Specialized Skills:
Portfolio management, quantitative equity and fixed income modeling, technical analysis, financial operations management, client service and marketing, financial systems engineering
Experience Word Cloud:
Quantitative analysis, quantitative modeling, quantitative analyst, quantitative research, quantitative investment strategy, quantitative methods, quantitative PM, market timing, CDX, high yield bonds, credit default swaps, government bonds, contango, backwardation, volatility trading, vix futures, term structure, trading volume, market breadth, diffusion index, quantitative portfolio manager, equity analytics, multifactor model, multifactor stock selection model, factor effectiveness, dynamic factor loading, dynamic factor weighting, expectational models, relative value, momentum, asset allocation, style model, factor analysis, sector model, alpha generating model, alpha forecasting, expected return modeling, backtesting, long short, asset management, portfolio manager, portfolio management, quant trading, equity valuation, risk analysis, risk modeling, performance attribution, optimization, portfolio optimizer
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