Derivatives lawyer with in-depth experience from the perspectives of exchanges, large commercial traders (especially energy), clearing members and swap dealers. Provider of legal advice for trading and clearing businesses; proficient in project management and systems architecture advice. Expertise ...
Derivatives lawyer with in-depth experience from the perspectives of exchanges, large commercial traders (especially energy), clearing members and swap dealers. Provider of legal advice for trading and clearing businesses; proficient in project management and systems architecture advice. Expertise in post-financial crisis derivatives regulation in U.S. and Europe. Currently enrolled in LLM program in the UK concentrating in Financial Services. Email:; Mobile: +1 773 474 1162 UR
Core Competencies:
Leading Change - brought about strategic change, both internally and externally, in a continuously changing regulatory and commercially competitive environment.
Leading People -- With an emphasis on developing others and team-building, led legal and compliance professionals to exceed organizational goals.
Focused on results -- Made pragmatic decisions to adapt to commercial and regulatory change.
Commercial and external awareness -- Negotiation skills and ability to work in complex international environment; Ability to resolve legal issues quickly & effectively.
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